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Student Conduct & Policies

Career Center Restorative Action Appointment

Office of Student Conduct - During the meeting, the students will constructively evaluate their major and professional development by setting S.M.A.R.T goals for their career progression. The student may need to schedule more than one meeting to fully complete their S.M.A.R.T goals for their Career Development. Once the student has satisfactorily completed their S.M.A.R.T goals, the Stuckert Career Center staff member will confirm completion to the Office of Student Conduct. 

Appointment types: 

  • Discussion/Overview of Career Development  
  • Follow-Up 
Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm

Stuckert Career Center
408 Rose St., Lexington, KY 40506

Schedule an Appointment:

Restorative Action Referral

Don't have a handshake account or unsure how to access your account? Click here for more information!

Schedule an appointment in handshake

Center for Support and Intervention 

Center for Support and Intervention 

Code of Student Conduct

Administrative Regulation 4:10 - Code of Student Conduct promotes the core values of the UK, including integrity, respect, responsibility and accountability, and sense of community. The Code outlines the rights for students and student organizations, the standards of conduct for all students and student organizations, and the procedures for determining violations.

Hours of Operation

The Code of Student Conduct is available to review online at any time.


Questions? Reach out to

View the Code

The Code of Student Conduct promotes the core values of the UK, including integrity, respect, responsibility and accountability, and sense of community.

View the Code of Student Conduct

Read About the Code

Learn more about the Code in the UK Now story from Sept. 21, 2023.

Read the Article


Tune in and hear from your fellow Wildcats as they discuss the Code of Student Conduct.

Listen to the Podcast

Code Highlights

What is the Code?

  • Outlines the rights and responsibilities of students 

  • Promotes UK's core values of integrity, respect, responsibility and accountability 

  • Supports UK's commitment to a student-centered, inclusive, safe and healthy community 

  • Outlines the student conduct process which helps students learn, mature, and develop greater self-awareness 

Why is the Code important?

  • Safeguards student rights, including the right to due process 

  • Helps to ensure that the community remains an inclusive and collaborative place to learn 

  • Balances the needs of the individual student with the greater UK community 

  • Establishes the expectations and responsibilities of members of the UK community  

What has changed?

  • Amnesty policy expanded to cover both the student seeking assistance for other students experiencing drug/alcohol related emergencies as well as the student experiencing the drug/alcohol related emergencies 

  • Updates to procedures to align with the guidelines in the recently passed Kentucky Campus Due Process Protection Act 

  • Additional definitions 

  • Language expanded to cover both in-person activities as well as online activity 

Positive Roommate Relationships and Conflict Resolution

Your enjoyment of residence hall living depends largely on the consideration you and your roommate(s) show each other. If there is one factor that is the most important determinant of roommate success, that factor is communication.

Roommate Agreements

Roommates need to communicate with each other. An ideal opportunity for this communication exists at the beginning of the year, when residence hall staff distributes the Roommate Agreement forms. These agreements initiate discussion of issues that commonly cause conflict between roommates, such as hours for sleep and study, use of the stereo and TV, guests, etc. We highly recommend that you take the time to talk over these issues with your roommate(s) as the year begins in order to avoid future difficulties. Please consult your Resident Advisor (RA) or Resident Director (RD) for help with this process.

Hours of Operation

Based on RA availability

Residence Halls

Tips to Be a Great Roommate


Share Expectations

Misunderstood academic, living and social expectations are often a source of roommate conflict. Being open and honest while establishing your Roommate Agreement will provide a foundation for a healthy roommate relationship. Start thinking about things like:

  • What time do I like to go to sleep/wake up?
  • Do I prefer a clean area or am I ok with clutter?
  • What room responsibilities would I be comfortable dividing?

Consider Lifestyles

Communicating your preferred lifestyle and being understanding and respectful of your roommate's lifestyle will prevent a lot of headaches. The majority of first-year students have part-time jobs and/or are part of a campus organization. This can create varying quiet and active times in the room, but discussing and respecting another's schedule creates healthy and open communications. Reflect on your personal life to prep for the roommate agreement:

  • What do I do in my free time?
  • What am I most looking forward to this year?

Give Quiet Time

It is important to consider your academic success, as well as your roommate's. Not communicating appropriate expectations of quiet times can cause frustrations and lead to an unpleasant living environment. When discussing your Roommate Agreement, consider topics like:

  • When is it too late to be loud in the room?
  • When should I use headphones?
  • What are appropriate visitor days and hours?

Be a Great Teammate

Because sharing a space with others can be a growth experience, thinking about each other as a teammate can help establish common ground. A great teammate puts in effort to make a respectful living community and holds themselves accountable. To start the year well, consider the answers to these questions:

  • What do I believe are important qualities of a roommate?
  • How will I be a good roommate and teammate?

Reflect on Expectations

Lifestyles and personal expectations can impact how close you and your roommate become. Remember, great roommates are not always best friends and best friends are not always great roommates. A roommate can help create an environment that enhances your University experience. But, that can take collaboration and compromise. Your RAs will be available to answer any questions that you have, and to guide you through a successful year in your residence hall!

Room Change Process

If you feel a room change is necessary, the first step is to discuss it with your Resident Advisor (RA). They can guide you through the process and connect you with your Resident Director (RD) for further assistance. Room change requests are considered on a case-by-case basis, keeping in mind cleaning protocols and availability.

For any further inquiries, please contact the Campus Housing Office at or call us at 859-257-1866. We’re here to ensure your residence hall experience is positive, comfortable, and conducive to your success at UK.

Email Campus Housing

Request a Conduct or Conflict Related Training

As a part of our outreach efforts, the office is available to facilitate presentations and trainings on a variety of topics. Common presentations and trainings include (but are not limited to): 

Conflict Resolution: Conflict and confrontation can be difficult, and the impact of conflict on relationships can be significant. This presentation examines conflict and how to recognize when conflict occurs. Participants will discover and discuss the different types of conflict management styles, as well as skills and strategies for managing conflict experienced. 

Hazing Prevention: It is important to be aware that hazing can be in virtually any kind of setting you find yourself in. This presentation discusses what hazing is and strategies to prevent it from occurring. Participants will also learn what to do when hazing does occur, how to report it and what to expect after it has been reported.  

Student Conduct Overview: In addition to discussing the mission and goals of the office, this presentation reviews student and student organization’s rights and responsibilities within the UK community. Participants will also learn about the entire process from investigation to resolution to rights to appeal outcomes. 

Community Expectations: Through this presentation, participants gain insight into the student conduct process. Additionally, community expectations and what it means to be a positive community member are discussed. 

Judicial Boards: Through this presentation, student groups will learn why judicial boards are important pieces of their organization. The structure, skills, and practice of these boards are reviewed and discussed. 

Have an need for a presentation or training outside of these? Let us know and we will work with you to meet your needs. 

To request a presentation, complete the form located below. Please complete this two weeks prior to your scheduled class or meeting.

Request a Training

Hours of Operation

Submit a request anytime.

Request Records or Dean's Certification

Submit a request to the Office of Student Conduct to start the process. 

After submitting the form, an Office of Student Conduct staff member will reach out to you. If physical documentation of the records is requested, the requester will need to contact

Request your Student Record

Hours of Operation

Submit a request anytime.

Requests are reviewed during normal business hours.

students in the dorm

Student Conduct Advisors

Student Conduct Advisors’ primary role is to assist students who have allegedly violated the University Housing Community Standards and/or Code of Student Conduct through the conduct process.  

When requested, a Student Conduct Advisor meets with a student prior to their conduct meeting and/or hearing to explain the conduct process, help the student prepare, and answer any questions the student may have regarding the conduct process.  

In their advising role, Student Conduct Advisors may also act as a student’s Support Person. According to the Code of Student Conduct, a Support Person is an individual who may attend an informal meeting or formal hearing to provide advice, support, or guidance to either the Respondent or the Complaining Witness. A Support Person may not represent, speak on behalf of, delay, disrupt, or otherwise interfere with a student conduct meeting or hearing.   

Alleged students are not required to utilize Student Conduct Advisor but are encouraged to do so.  

To reach an advisor, email

Hours of Operation

Emails are monitored during normal business hours.

The camera focuses on the dark brown Bowman cat statue on a backdrop of unfocused autumn foliage.

Student Conduct 

Featured image
The camera focuses on the dark brown Bowman cat statue on a backdrop of unfocused autumn foliage.
Student Success Area
Unit/Program Description
Promoting personal responsibility and peer accountability while encouraging students to consider the impact of their actions

Student Rights & Responsibilities at UK


The University of Kentucky (UK) is committed to promoting a safe, healthy, student-centered, and inclusive community.  UK strives to create an environment where students can engage in academic inquiry and campus life.  The student conduct process supports UK’s goals by:   

  1. Promoting personal responsibility and peer accountability; 
  2. Encouraging Students to consider the impact of their actions on themselves, their peers, and larger UK Community; 
  3. Empowering Students to address any conflict that may arise in a safe, respectful, and socially conscious manner; 
  4. Collaborating with Employees, Students, and the UK Community with regard to student conduct matters; and 
  5. Educating the UK Community about student rights and responsibilities related to the Code.   

The student conduct process helps Students learn, mature, and develop greater self-awareness while balancing the needs of the UK community.  When student behavior does not model UK’s values, the student conduct process is used to uphold the standards of UK.   The Code of Student Conduct (Code) promotes the core values of the UK, including integrity, respect 

UK Creed 

The Code of Student Conduct (Code) promotes the core values of the UK, including integrity, respect, responsibility and accountability, and sense of community.  In doing so, the Code puts into practice the UK Creed.  

  • I promise to strive for academic excellence and freedom by promoting an environment of creativity and discovery. 
  • I promise to pursue all endeavors with integrity and compete with honesty. 
  • I promise to embrace diversity and inclusion and to respect the dignity and humanity of others. 
  • I promise to contribute to my University and community through leadership and service.  
  • I promise to fulfill my commitments and remain accountable to others.  Through the Code, UK affirms the rights and responsibilities of Students as part of the UK Community. 

Rights of UK Students

Consistent with the federal and state Constitutions and laws, students have the following rights:

Right of Free Expression

A Student has the right to engage in discussion, to exchange thought and opinion, to speak, write, or print freely on any subject, and to join associations in accordance with the guarantees of federal or state Constitutions.  Freedom of expression includes the right to picket or demonstrate for a cause, provided the Student 

  1. Acts in an orderly and peaceful manner; 

  1. Does not interfere with normal UK operations; 

  1. Complies with UK’s regulations governing the time, place, and manner of meetings, demonstrations, and other assemblies. (See Administrative Regulation 9:1 Regulations Governing Time, Place, and Manner of Meetings, Demonstrations, and Other Assemblies

Students shall not be disciplined for speech protected by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.  UK will endeavor, however, to balance students’ rights to free speech with other students’ rights to be free from threats and harassment. 

Right to be Free from Discrimination and Harassment

  1. UK complies with the federal and state Constitutions, and all applicable federal and state laws, regarding nondiscrimination.  Students and applicants for admission to UK, or for financial aid or scholarship, will not be discriminated against because of race, color, national origin, ethnic origin, religion, creed, age, physical or mental disability, veteran status, uniformed service, political belief, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, marital status, genetic information, social or economic status, or whether the person is a smoker or nonsmoker, as long as the person complies with UK policy concerning smoking.  (See Governing Regulation XIV.B.1, Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct)   

  1. Consistent with Administrative Regulation 6.1, Policy on Discrimination and Harassment, Students have the right to be free from harassment, including sexual harassment, by UK Employees, and other Students.    For purposes of the Code, harassment means conduct so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it substantially interferes with the ability of a person to work, learn, live or participate in, or benefit from services, activities, or privileges provided by UK.  Sexual harassment - a form of sex discrimination - includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical actions of a sexual nature when submission to such conduct is made explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of the Student’s status in a course, program or activity; or is used as a basis for academic or other decisions affecting such Student; or when such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with the Student's academic performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment. This provision shall not be used to discipline students for speech protected by the First Amendment. 

Right to Privacy in Student Records

  1. UK maintains Student records in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 and the guidelines for implementation.  Directory information about a Student is released at the discretion of numerous UK departments upon receipt of a specific request for such information.  Information which is Directory information under FERPA concerning a Student will not be released if the Student has filed a request, in writing, with the UK Registrar, stating the information is to be withheld.  UK’s definition of “Directory Information” can be found at:

  1. UK keeps a Student’s disciplinary record separate and confidential unless the Student consents in writing to have it disclosed.  However, the Dean of Students may disclose the Student’s disciplinary record without the Student’s consent if required by law or the safety of people or property is involved, or if the information is required by authorized UK personnel for official use at UK.  In these circumstances, only the information pertinent to the inquiry may be revealed. 

  1. The Dean of Students may act without the Student’s consent to have a statement of disciplinary suspension or disciplinary expulsion entered on the Student’s academic record for the duration of the disciplinary sanction, which would prohibit the Student from registering. 

  1. A Student’s test data and record in the Counseling Center will be kept in the Counseling Center, separate and confidential, unless the Student consents in writing to have it revealed to a designated person or for a designated purpose.  Without consent, no information will be revealed except to an appropriate authority and then only when there is a clear and imminent danger to an individual or others, and such information will be limited to that which is directly pertinent to the reduction of that danger. 

Right to Privacy (Other)

  1. A Student has the right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures of person and possessions while on UK property unless said search and seizure is conducted in accordance with state and federal laws.  In cases of imminent danger or when there are reasonable grounds upon which to believe it is necessary to conduct a search immediately in order to protect life or property, searches may be conducted in the presence of the Dean of Students or another University Official acting as the Dean of Students’ authorized representative. 

  1. University Health Service medical, surgical, and mental health records and information are maintained in accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).  Health records are strictly confidential and are not released to anyone without the Student's knowledge and signed authorization.  Student mental health records are maintained separately in a confidential file.  If it becomes apparent in the course of treatment that the Student is likely to cause injury to self or others, pertinent information regarding the specific situation to this extent may be revealed for protection of the Student or others, and such information will be limited to that which is directly pertinent to the reduction of that danger 

Right to a Free Student Press

Student publications are free to deal openly and responsibly with issues of interest and importance to the academic community.  The editors have the right of editorial freedom without the prior approval of copy and will be protected against dismissal or suspension or other retribution, except for violations of law or UK regulations. 

Rights of Students and Student Organizations Involved in the Student Conduct Process

Consistent with the principles of due process and fundament fairness, the following rights have been developed for students and student organizations to participate fully in the student conduct process: 

  1. To be treated fairly in the student conduct process. 

  1. For Respondents, to be provided written notice of any allegation or formal charge of the misconduct, as well as a description of the alleged misconduct. 

  1. For Respondents, to be presumed not responsible for a violation until determined otherwise. The burden of proving a violation of the Code is on UK. 

  1. To review the information contained in the Student Conduct Report, with all personally identifying information of other Students removed (if appropriate), in advance of a meeting or hearing. 

  1. To have access to the recording of a hearing in which the Student is the Respondent or Complaining Witness. 

  1. To present relevant information verbally or in writing on their behalf. 

  1. To have up to two (2) Support Persons present at a meeting or hearing to provide emotional or other support. 

  1. To know the identity of persons speaking or providing written information for a Hearing Board or UAB. 

  1. To ask reasonable questions and challenge, either verbally or in writing, the allegation(s), formal charge(s), or information provided during a student conduct meeting. 

  1. To not speak or answer any question during a student conduct meeting.  Refusal to do so is not considered admitting responsibility for an alleged violation. 

  1. To request that a member of a Hearing Board be removed from the hearing based on a conflict of interest or bias. 

  1. To provide an impact statement(s) for consideration during the restorative action phase of a formal hearing or during a restorative conference. 

  1. For Respondents, to appeal any decision of the Hearing Board to the UAB pursuant to certain sections of this Code. 

Submit a Concern or Report

Residence Life at the University of Kentucky provides an online form for the submission of concerns or reports related to residence hall experiences. This confidential and easy-to-use platform ensures that all issues are heard and addressed appropriately. Whether you are a student in need of guidance, a parent with questions about housing, or seeking support in any aspect of campus living, we are ready to listen and provide assistance. All submissions are reviewed by Residence Life staff, ensuring appropriate follow-up.

Please be aware that while Res Life makes every effort to handle your inquiry with the utmost care and a commitment to privacy, there may be times when the team must share information to comply with legal obligations or university policies.

Hours of Operation

Available 24/7 but not monitored nights and weekends, not intended for emergencies.

For emergencies, contact UKPD at 859-257-8573.


Submit a Concern or Report

Have a question, concern, or feedback about residential life at the University of Kentucky? Complete the form with as much detail as possible. Doing so will enable Residence Life staff to understand your situation more clearly and offer the most effective assistance.

Click here to submit a concern or report

Submit a Referral

After submitting the form, the Office of Student Conduct will review the form and engage with the involved parties to resolve the concern. Referrals can be submitted by anyone in the UK Community and may be submitted anonymously, however, this may limit the ability to adequately follow-up on the submitted report.

Submit a Referral

Hours of Operation

Submit a referral anytime

Referrals are reviewed during normal business hours and are not monitored after hours, on weekends, or during official University holidays.

Submit a Restorative Action

To have a restorative action reviewed by your conduct officer, complete the form located below.

After submitting the form, the conduct officer responsible for the case will review the information and communicate with the student if there are any issues. Questions regarding a submitted form or a restorative action can be directed to the Office of Student Conduct.

Submit a Restorative Action

Hours of Operation

Submit a restorative action anytime.

Withdrawal Consultation

Sometimes students need to take a step that wasn’t in their original plan such as withdrawing, filing an appeal, or taking an incomplete grade. Figuring out what you need to do or who you need to talk to can be daunting and we are happy to guide you through the appropriate process.

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday

8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Frazee Hall - 3rd Floor

Work with OSC

Student Conduct Advisors (SCAs): Conduct advisors assist are students, staff and faculty trained in the code of student conduct and the conduct process in order to help other students going through the process understand their rights and what to expect in the process. They can also serve as Support Persons in the process. 

Hearing Boards: Hearing boards are made up of volunteers from across the UK community. These motivated and committed faculty members, staff and students participate in the process to resolve incidents involving the Code of Student Conduct. The members of the boards receive training from the Office of Student Conduct in areas of the Code of Student Conduct, University Housing Community Standards and other campus policies, the student conduct process, and the role of a hearing board member. 

Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday     8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Office of Student Conduct
Frazee Hall, 3rd Floor

For More Information


Call: 859-257-3755