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Career Assessment

Elevate Your Career Path with a Career Assessment

Enhance your career goals with our FREE career assessments. Delve into your values, interests, personality, and skills to make informed decisions. Don't miss this opportunity to shape your future.

Stuckert Career Center offers students valuable assistance in the exploration of majors and careers through the use of formal career assessments. These assessments are user-friendly and are professionally evaluated by the center's certified career advisors. They provide students with personalized insights into how their fundamental behavioral preferences and occupational interests can guide them in choosing a college major and guide them on the best career path. 

Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday 8:00am-5:00pm

Stuckert Career Center
408 Rose St., Lexington, KY 40506
Virtual and In-person

Steps in scheduling a career assessment:

  1. Schedule an appointment with an advisor. This appointment will determine the best assessment for the student. 
  2. Assessments are completed online. 
  3. Student meets with the a professional career advisor to process the results and create a career approach that is best for that student. 

Meet with an advisor to discuss completing a career assessment

Don't have a handshake account or unsure how to access your account? Click here for more information!

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UK Invests

This service qualifies for UK Invests. By attending and checking in, you can earn money for your account.

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Career Exploration

Career Exploration starts with a Career Advisor

Our Career Advisors are the leading industry experts to start your conversation about the career development process. Once you are established in your major your attention can shift to your career options with us here to guide you. Our experienced advisors assist students to be career-ready for today’s diverse job market. 

Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday (8am – 5pm) 

Stuckert Career Center
408 Rose St., Lexington, KY 40506
Virtual and In-person

We offer a wide range of services, which include but are not limited to: 

  • job and internship search assistance
  • helping to polish your career documents (such as your resume, CV, or cover letter)
  • guidance on interview preparation
  • mock interviews
  • salary negotiation strategies
  • and much more

We are here to help you start your career journey.

Career Exploration

Don't have a handshake account or unsure how to access your account? Click here for more information!

Schedule an appointment in handshake

UK Invests

UK Invests

This service qualifies for UK Invests. By attending and checking in, you can earn money for your account.

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Career Planning

SSS provides career planning advising, workshops, and other opportunities in collaboration with Stuckert Career Center, Community & Professional Development Programs and others to give you every ample opportunity to achieve your career goals. Workshops such as Resume Building, Career Search and the Life After UK Annual Conference all help you prepare for the next step. 

Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm  

(Fall and Spring Semesters – open until 7pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays) 

Student Support Services Office
Gatton Student Center – East Wing C201

Drop-In Discussion

Drop-in discussions are designed as brief (15 minutes or less) sessions to provide guidance in exploring careers, answer question about which major to choose or help connect to experts in the field.


If further discussion or assistance needed, students are encouraged to schedule an appointment with an advisor to ensure they receive comprehensive support.


Hours of Operation

Tuesday-Thursday 1:00 - 3:00pm

Stuckert Career Center
408 Rose St., Lexington, KY 40506

Drop-In options can include:

  1. Professional Documentation Review: Get feedback on your resume, CV, cover letter, or thank-you notes.
  2. ​​​​​​Career Exploration: Discuss different career paths and goals.
  3. Academic Major/Minor: Discuss your major or minor and the possibility of changing your major. 
  4. Job/Internship Search: Get help with finding opportunities and developing a search strategy.
  5. Pre-Graduate/Professional School Advising: Get guidance on further education.
  6. Interview Prep: Discuss preparing for job interviews effectively.

When you arrive at the Career Center:

  • Check-in at the front desk - our front desk student assistant will request your Link Blue ID for check-in purposes. 
  • You will then be directed to our library to meet with one of our career center staff to begin the discussion. 

UK Invests

This service qualifies for UK Invests. By attending and checking in, you can earn money for your account.

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Experiential Education - Earning Academic Credit

Experiential Education is designed to assist in connecting students and employers in developing career-related learning opportunities in an internship, cooperative education (co-op), volunteer, service-learning, or externship experiences. The classifications sometimes vary depending on the academic discipline. Experiential Education may be paid or unpaid, full-time or part-time, local, national, or international.

All positions are carefully supervised, professional-level, and structured in which the student sets intentional learning goals and actively reflects on what has been learned. These experiences can help students to clarify career goals, gain valuable professional-level experience, strengthen skills, and develop a professional network to positively impact job and graduate school outcomes. 

Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm

Stuckert Career Center
408 Rose St., Lexington, KY 40506
Virtual and In-person

EXP Search:

So, you are ready to take the knowledge that you have been obtaining from your coursework and in class activities and apply them to real world experiences. But maybe you are not sure where to get started to find an experience or maybe you need just a little more help. Either way you can find help right here at the Stuckert Career Center. Students can schedule a “Job Search Strategies” appointment through Handshake. The “Job Search Strategies” appointment is designed for you to learn about resources available to support your search and ways you can optimize your search process, whether you're seeking full-time employment, an internship, or another type of opportunity.

Experiential Education

Don't have a handshake account or unsure how to access your account? Click here for more information!

Schedule an appointment in handshake

Experience opportunities: 

Academic Experiences: 

  • An academic experience indicates that a student will be seeking academic credit for a career-related experience.
  • This process includes creating a Learning Contract, obtaining department approval, obtaining a UK Sponsor, submitting completed field hours, and receiving an employer evaluation.
  • An academic experience may be either paid or unpaid. Academic experiences are typically done on a general elective, Pass/Fail basis with the number of acceptable credit hours determined by the student’s college or department. 

Non-Credit Experiences: 

  • A non-credit experience implies that a student will be working for the benefit of experience gained, but not for any type of academic recognition.
  • The employer is encouraged to consider the intern as they would any other temporary employee.
  • This option may be preferable to a student who does not need additional credit hours.
  • Non-credit experiences are often paid in order to comply with U.S. Department of Labor laws.

Interview Prep

Interviews might seem intimidating but they offer valuable opportunities for personal growth and professional development. Our career advisors are here to help you prepare and give you confidence going into your interview! 

Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm

Stuckert Career Center
408 Rose St., Lexington, KY 40506
Virtual and In-person

Examples of what an appointment with an advisor might look like: 

  • Talk through things you can expect during the interview process
  • Explore interview strategies 
  • Discuss commonly asked interview questions 
  • Complete a mock interview

Interview Prep

Don't have a handshake account or unsure how to access your account? Click here for more information!

Schedule an appointment in handshake

Ways to prepare for your interview


  • Before the interview, be sure you know where you are going, the drive time, and the parking situation. 
  • Dress professionally and have your attire laundered and ready the night before the interview.   (Don’t forget to polish those shoes!) Most industries will be most impressed with business suit attire. How you look creates a first and lasting impression. 
  • Take additional copies of our resume with you. Be prepared to “walk” your interviewers through your resume and be sure you can answer anything about it. 
  • Offer detailed and specific examples that demonstrate your "fit" for the position. 
  • Know the industry standards and the history of the company you are applying to. 
  • Have questions ready for the interviewers about the position. But never bring up salary until you are offered the position. (See the list below for question suggestions). 

List of Questions to Ask the Interviewer

Come prepared with questions you can ask that demonstrate your understanding of the organization and interest in the position. It’s okay to have these written down. And it also makes a good impression if you quickly jot down the answers. Sometimes your prepared questions may get answered in the course of the interview, that’s okay. Just plan a list of 5 to 7 questions so you will be ready. 

Here are a few suggestions: 

  • What can I expect on a typical day? 
  • Why is this position open? Is it a new position in the company? 
  • To whom does this position report? 
  • What are your expectations of the person hired for this position within the first 30 days? 
  • What do you like about working here? 
  • When can I expect to hear from you? 
  • And any other industry-related questions you may have. 


  • Salary! Never mention salary unless you have officially been offered the position. Please see a career advisor as to the best way to navigate the, “So how much money do you need to make?” question. 
  • Time off, lunch breaks, and other compensation issues will be addressed if a job offer is made, and you can address those questions at that time. 



  • Immediately send a thank you note to each person who interviewed you. They may be meeting with a long list of candidates, so it’s best to make contact while they still remember you. 
  • Keep it brief, but consider the following: 
  • Reference something you discussed in the meeting. Again, you want them to remember you, so this might help make a stronger connection. 
  • Clarify any questions you stumbled on during the interview. If you forgot to bring up a relevant certification, for example, this is a good time to mention it. 
  • Express appreciation for their time and consideration. The interview process can be labor and resource-intensive. This is a good time to show your gratitude and reinforce your interest in the position. 
  • Written correspondence (i.e., physically mailing a letter) is rare these days but it is appropriate if a longer hiring timeline has been given. If your correspondence with the company has been primarily via email, it’s okay to send a thank you note via email. BUT…handwritten sure makes a great impression! 

Next Week:

  • If you haven’t heard anything within the employer’s given timeline, send an email to follow-up on the process. 
  • Keep it brief, thank them again, and express your interest. Careful not to nag an employer for an answer, but if you still don’t get a response within a reasonable time, let it go and move on with your search. 

Remember, you don’t have the job until you’ve signed a written offer letter. Keep looking for positions and applying for jobs, even if the interview went well and you assume the job will be offered to you. 

UK Invests

This service qualifies for UK Invests. By attending and checking in, you can earn money for your account.

Haven't opened a UK Invests account? 
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Job/Internship Search

Stuckert Career Center staff are ready to assist no matter what phase you are in when it comes to job or internship search.

Whether it’s across the commonwealth or across the county, employers are looking for talent! Using tools like Handshake and more, we’ll show you how to identify opportunities and apply with confidence. Let’s discuss some ways to connect with employers, how to organize your job/internship search, and the importance of resilience throughout the process. 

Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm

Stuckert Career Center
408 Rose St., Lexington, KY 40506
Virtual and In-person
3-6 months average time frame for a job search!

It's important to use your time as wisely as you can in your job search strategies as it is a multi-step process.

Job/Internship Search

Don't have a handshake account or unsure how to access your account? Click here for more information!

Schedule an appointment in handshake

Helpful tips for your search

Online Job Searching Resources

There are several online tools to assist you in your job search: 

  • Handshake is an online job resource for employers specifically seeking university level students and graduates. Employers posts internships and jobs (local, national and global), upcoming events, employer info sessions, and more. 

  • Glassdoor is an online job board linking you to thousands of jobs. You can research companies, employee reviews, personalized salary tool, etc. 

  • LinkedIn is a social network that focuses on professional networking and career development. You can use LinkedIn to display your resume, search for jobs, and enhance your professional reputation by posting updates and interacting with other people. 

  • Interstride is a database that contains country-specific career and employment resources for more than 80 locations. You can use job searching resources, learn about work permits/visa regulations, resume guidelines, interview tips, etc. 

Additional Resources/Opportunities

Looking for additional online resources when it comes to searching for an internship? Check out the list linked below for resources and opportunities. 

Internship Resources/Opportunities 

Participate in On-Campus Interviewing

Every year, the Career Center hosts local, state, and national companies that come to campus specifically to interview and hire UK students and alumni for seasonal, part-time, and full-time jobs and internships. To access the schedule of interviews and register for upcoming interviews, visit Handshake.

Prepare Yourself! Avoid Job Scams

UK Students and alumni are urged to perform due diligence in researching employers when applying for or accepting off-campus employment. The Stuckert Center staff are available for consultation on how to research prospective employers. Questions about safety, wages, working conditions, or any other aspect of off-campus employment are appropriate and important and should be discussed before accepting employment. The Stuckert Center and UK cannot guarantee terms of employment posted by an employer and are not responsible for employer misconduct.” 

UK Invests

This service qualifies for UK Invests. By attending and checking in, you can earn money for your account.

Haven't opened a UK Invests account? 
Get started today at

Resume Labs

Stop by the Stuckert Career Center for assistance with your resume.  Stuckert staff will be on hand for students to stop by and have their current resume reviewed or provide assistance to help students begin creating their resume.


If students require further discussion or assistance, they are encouraged to schedule an appointment with an advisor to ensure they receive comprehensive support.


Hours of Operation

Mondays from 1:00-3:00 p.m.

Fridays from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. 

Stuckert Career Center
408 Rose St., Lexington, KY 40506

When you arrive at the Career Center

  • Check-in at the front desk - our front desk student assistant will request your Link Blue ID to get checked in.
  • After checking in, you will be directed to the library to meet with one of our staff members to start the resume discussion. 

UK Invests

This service qualifies for UK Invests. By attending and checking in, you can earn money for your account.

Haven't opened a UK Invests account? 
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students outside stuckert center

Stuckert Career Center

Featured image
students outside stuckert center
Student Success Area
Unit/Program Description
Providing opportunities for career discovery and achievement for all students through programs, resources, and services designed to support personal and professional development
Student Orgs and Activities

Student Organizations and Activities