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Student sitting by a tree studying

Struggling or feeling stressed? Resources, support available for UK community

Struggling or feeling stressed? Resources, support available for UK community

Student sitting by a tree studying

The University of Kentucky is committed to taking care of our people, and that means ensuring all members of our community — inclusive of all identities, perspectives and experiences – have the support needed to overcome challenges and cope with stress.

If you’re experiencing feelings of anxiety, sadness or uncertainty, or struggling with any aspect of your health and well-being, UK has resources available for you.


Read the full article here

Student Awards

Student Awards Spreadsheet

As per UK Business Procedures, a list of Approved Student Awards is maintained by the Student Success Business Office and accessible. The most recent update was April 29, 2022.

Student Awards Spreadsheet

Student Awards Request Template

To request a new student award or update a current student award, please fill out the below template, which was most recently updated on 13 August 2019:

Student Awards Request Template

Student Success email signatures

Every default signature block must include:

  • Staff/faculty first name
  • Staff/faculty last name
  • Staff/faculty position/title
  • Department/Unit: Student Success
  • Sub-unit (examples: Office of Undergraduate Admission or Stuckert Career Center or VIP Center)
  • Staff/faculty email address

Suggested additions to default signature block:

  • Staff/faculty credentials
  • Address (including city/state/ZIP)
  • Staff/faculty member’s phone number
  • Website (please use either or your unit or program’s home page)

Optional addition to default signature block:

  • Staff/faculty preferred pronouns

The main signature block should not be edited to include any information other than outlined above or to alter the markup presentation. Some staff/faculty members may wish to append text below the main signature block that will become part of their standard signature. Any appended text should be formatted using the font Avenir Book in point size 10 and font color #000000 (black); an acceptable alternative if Avenir Book is unavailable is Arial Regular in point size 10 and font color #000000 (black). Italics and bold are appropriate for highlighting appended text, but other markup should not be employed.

Acceptable signature appendices:

  • Staff/faculty member’s mobile phone number only if relevant to official work capacity
  • Unit/program’s fax number only if relevant
  • Confidentiality statement—please use the following University-approved text:

    Statement of confidentiality: Please note email may not be a secure form of communication and your confidentiality is not ensured. The contents of this e-mail message and any attachments are confidential and are intended solely for addressee(s). The information may also be legally privileged. This transmission is sent in trust, for the sole purpose of delivery to the intended recipient(s). If you have received this transmission in error, any use, reproduction, or dissemination of this transmission is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately notify the sender by reply email or phone and delete this message and its attachments, if any.

  • Unit/program hours of operation and/or urgent response statement—please use a consistent message across your unit or program, and include only if appropriate to your audience. Example:

    Delayed response: For emergencies, call 911. ProgramName’s staff members monitor emails on weekdays between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. except for holidays and vacations. Your email may not be seen immediately. Please call 859-257-0000 during office hours to schedule an appointment or visit our website at

  • Unit/department mission statement, vision statement, and/or values
  • Unit/department social media account addresses; identify only using platform name in text (e.g., Facebook or Twitter); do not use icons
  • Unit/department graphic identifiers or icons. Image size should not exceed 60 pixels in height or width and should not be displayed if not easily legible at this dimension.
  • Staff/faculty member social media account addresses only if used solely for position-related academic or professional pursuits
  • Temporary information or news updates—please use a consistent message across your unit or program, and designate a start and end date for this information to be included in email signatures. Example:

    Please note: ProgramName will reside in a new, temporary campus location between January and July 2022. Our address will be the Buildingname Hall, 100 Streetname Rd, Suite 1, Lexington, KY 40508.

  • Academic, scholarly, or professional quote(s) not to exceed 250 characters.

Unacceptable signature appendices:

  • Statements, quotes, images, or other content that may be offensive or controversial, including overtly political statements.
  • Staff/faculty member’s personal information, including links to websites or social media accounts that do not comply with the provisions above.
  • Other logos, symbols, icons, or other graphics.

Short signature block:

When replying within an email chain, a shortened version of your signature block may be appropriate. Short signature blocks should contain only the following information and should be formatted using the font Avenir Book in point size 12 and font color #000000 (black); an acceptable alternative if Avenir Book is unavailable is Arial Regular in point size 12 and font color #000000 (black):

  • Unit/program lockup
  • Staff/faculty first and last name (in bold font)
  • Staff/faculty position/title
  • Department/Unit: Student Success
  • Sub-unit (examples: Office of Undergraduate Admission or Stuckert Career Center or VIP Center)

Student Success Initiatives

The Student Success Framework

The Office for Student Success grounds our practices in a student-centered framework addressing needs related to academic success, financial stability, belonging and engagement, and wellness. Expanded across more than two dozen units within five areas, services and programming aligning with this framework provides each student with wrap-around support for holistic success and well-being during their time at the University of Kentucky and beyond. 

Strategic Comms, Culture of Care, Culture of Evidence: Students

Performance Evaluation Pilot

With our partners in Human Resources, the Office for Student Success is piloting an alternative to the University’s existing performance evaluation process.  Based on feedback from staff, we are implementing a three-year pilot that utilizes a semesterly goal-oriented approach to performance rather than an annual ratings-based approach.  This pilot will give the university an opportunity to assess the efficacy of goal and development-oriented performance management compared to rating basic job responsibilities.  We continue to utilize traditional corrective action processes to address performance issues, but we hope to see improved motivation and morale by setting shorter term goals for job performance and personal development. 

icon of a book

Staff Well-being Pilot

This pilot is designed to provide staff additional well-being based benefits. In the Fall of 2021, the Office of the Vice President for Student Success (OVPSS) received the results of the UK At Work Survey. Through a deliberative process of fact finding and engagement with staff throughout the Office for Student Success, OVPSS leadership develop a staff well-being pilot, that offered Student Success Staff access to four benefits (1) a 50-block meal plan, (2) $300 credit to integrative medicine, (3) a membership to campus recreation, and (4) access to TalkSpace. 

Icon of tennis shoe

Smart Campus

The University of Kentucky is a very special place. Our campus is at the forefront of innovation, community-building, and technology within the region, and by bringing those elements together to serve our students and the Commonwealth we created Smart Campus. The Smart Campus initiative launched in 2019 and is home to our iPad initiative earning the Apple Distinguished School designation, Esports for casual and competitive play, digital signage, the Bowman’s Friends Podcast, as well as UK Invests. Each of these initiatives works to positively impact student success through innovation and partnership and we are committed to empowering our students with the resources and experiences they need to succeed in today's world. 

icon of a laptop and iPad

UK Invest

In response to the evolving higher education landscape and changing student needs, the University of Kentucky has launched the groundbreaking UK Invests program. This innovative initiative focuses on holistic student development, supporting academic success while also fostering lifelong positive habits that promote meaning and purpose beyond graduation. UK Invests aligns key elements essential for student success – academic achievement, financial literacy, involvement, and wellness – with healthy lifestyle habits. By participating in campus activities that reflect these areas, students can earn real dollars that can be invested into their UK Invests account. Through collaborations with campus partners and innovative financial education, the program has been extended to over 33,000 students. Through the UK Invests program, students actively participate in customized programming covering wellness, involvement, financial literacy, and career readiness. UK has partnered with Fidelity Investments and iGrad in the establishment of the program. Through a defined process, each student participant can open personal brokerage accounts, enabling them to invest real money earned through these positive activities and promoting opportunities for increased financial literacy. For more information, visit our UK Invest page!

icon of a piggy bank

Explore First: Study Abroad Program

A first of its kind first generation study abroad program, this program is a partnership between the Office for Student Success and UK International Center, launched in Summer 2023. 60 first generation students, many of whom had never left the country or been on an airplane, are given the opportunity to spend three weeks abroad at sites in London and Dublin where they have hands on career experience with companies overseas. While abroad, students take a course and earn credit on professional development and career readiness. The students meet with employers and visit companies who have connections to UK and/or the commonwealth. The companies host panels, mock interviews and team building activities, give tours and talks, review resumes and LinkedIn accounts, and hold networking events for our students. Click here to learn more.  

icon of a globe of the world

Reports and Publications

Office for Student Success 2022-2023 Annual Report

View 2022-2023 Annual Report

Office for Student Success 2023-2024 Annual Report

Staff members write handwritten letters to future students.

Summer Letter Writing Campaign Engages Students Ahead of Fall Semester

Summer Letter Writing Campaign Engages Students Ahead of Fall Semester

Staff members write handwritten letters to future students.

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Aug. 3, 2021) — The Fall 2021 semester marks the full in-person return of students, staff and faculty across the University of Kentucky campus. After transitioning to a remote schedule during the Spring 2020 semester and a hybrid 2020-21 school year, UK is ready to welcome back its Wildcats. In doing so, Student Success is ramping up its annual summer letter writing campaign. 

In its fifth semester, the campaign pulls together over 120 campus partners tasked with writing handwritten postcards to students in the Fall 2020 Cohort.

“This initiative serves to emphasize the value that our students bring to our community and communicate our excitement for them to return,” said Anne Marie Bickel, assistant director of Student Analytics & Decision Support. “The front of this year’s postcard said, 'You are our Why!' and, while writers are encouraged to make the message their own, we asked that they communicate to our students that they are the reason why we are excited for the fall semester.”

While all semester beginnings are exciting, this one seems especially unique as the nation begins to ease many pandemic protocols. Throughout our Commonwealth and the country, growing signs of optimism and hope surround a beginning in the return to some sense of normalcy. 

Ensuring a safe return for students, the return to campus committee has been deeply engaged in setting the groundwork to return to full on-campus operations with the health and well-being of our students as the guiding priority. The letter writing campaign is not only a great way to engage students ahead of the fall semester, but also a way for the university to communicate our preparedness for their return. 

“Students are an essential part of our community and make campus come alive,” Bickel said. “After a challenging year, connecting with our students reminds us of our purpose: supporting them throughout their journey here at UK.”

Throughout the history of the initiative, Student Success, along with its partners, has written more than 10,000 letters to incoming Wildcats. A testament to the university’s unwavering commitment to its students, this campaign is just a steppingstone to the support they will receive once they arrive on campus.  

“Letter writing is just one way that we express our excitement for our students to return and serve them as they achieve their personal and academic goals,” Bickel said. “We are here to help as they prepare this summer for the upcoming semester, and we will be here throughout their time as a Wildcat and beyond.” 

Supporting Second-Year Students

At the University of Kentucky, we pride ourselves on putting our students first in everything we do. We recognize that your Wildcat had an unusual start to their UK journey in the middle of a global pandemic, and we are continually seeking ways to provide them holistic, comprehensive support both inside and outside the classroom. Knowing that it has been a while since their orientation experience, they may have emerging needs in their second year and are uncertain about the resources available to assist them.


Majors, Careers, and Staying on Track to Graduate

Whether your second-year student is exploring majors, reconsidering a previous major choice, or making progress on their degree requirements, UK has resources to support our Wildcats and get them across the stage at Commencement!

Major Exploration at the Stuckert Career Center

Internships and Experiential Education 

Spring internship and career fairs  

myUK GPS (Graduation Planning System)

Opportunities Beyond the Classroom

Now that your second-year student has some experience in the college classroom, it’s time to explore other opportunities to supplement what they’re learning in their coursework.

Education Abroad 

Undergraduate Research 

Gaines Fellowship

Academic Support

While your Wildcat may feel more comfortable with the academic expectations of a college curriculum, they should be encouraged to reach out for support and assistance to ensure they are performing to their full potential. 

Free Tutoring and Coaching Resources

Integrated Success Coaching 

The Study Peer Tutoring



Support for Specific Populations 

CARES (serving African American, Latino/Hispanic, American Indian, low income, first generation students, and all William C. Parker Scholarship recipients) 

Disability Resource Center 

First-Generation Student Services (serving students whose parents or guardians do not have a four-year degree)

LGBTQ* Resources

Student Support Services (federally-funded program designed to work with students who are first generation, low income, and have a documented disability)

Veterans Resource Center

Campus Life

Leadership and Involvement

It is never too late for students to pursue additional campus involvement and leadership opportunities to gain valuable skills that will serve them during their college years and beyond. Of course, campus involvement is fun, too! 

Involvement Advising


Campus Events Calendars

BBNvolved Calendar

UK Athletics Calendar

Leadership Programming

Second Year Success Program

Getting Around

Whether your student is driving, walking, or taking the bus to get to and around campus, UK has resources to get them where they need to be.

Transportation Services

Commute Planning 


Off-campus Student Support

Many second-year students are navigating their first experience living off campus, and UK’s Off-Campus Student Services team is available to assist with that transition.

Off-campus Student Services


UK is committed to increasing our students’ financial know-how and connecting them to financial-related resources on campus.

Financial Wellness



Financial Aid

Financial Ombud


Student Employment

Basic Needs

UK Dining

Whether students are living on or off campus, UK Dining has options to fit their needs.

Meal Plans

Flex Dollars 

Health and Safety

The health and safety of our students is one of the university’s top priorities, and the following wellness resources are ready and waiting to support our Wildcats. 

Contact the Parent and Family Association


@UKparents (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram)

Looking for more resources? 

The Office for Student Success is comprised of many units and programs that serve the students of UK.

Browse Units and Programs

Meryum Siddiqi’s designs became products, and her products became a business — complete with a website, social media presence and a mission.

UK alum finds business success using university-issued iPad

UK alum finds business success using university-issued iPad

Meryum Siddiqi’s designs became products, and her products became a business — complete with a website, social media presence and a mission.

“In April, UK was offering remote learning devices for students,” she said. “Since I was already at home, I thought I would focus even more on school, so I requested the iPad. And that was the beginning of the unexpected.” Read the full story at UKNow.

halloween in the hall graphic

UK celebrates 25 years of Halloween in the Halls

UK celebrates 25 years of Halloween in the Halls

halloween in the hall graphic

This year the University of Kentucky Office of Residence Life is celebrating 25 years of Halloween in the Halls. Residence hall lobbies will once again open this Halloween season to the children and grandchildren of UK faculty, staff and students. Halloween trick-or-treating will take place 6-8 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 27, rain or shine. The event is open to kids 12 and under. Adult supervision is required. 

Read full article here

A female student in a UK baseball cap works on a laptop outdoors in the sunlight.

UK Enhances Approach to Student Mental Health, Launches Togetherall’s 24/7 Peer-to-Peer Support

UK Enhances Approach to Student Mental Health, Launches Togetherall’s 24/7 Peer-to-Peer Support

A female student in a UK baseball cap works on a laptop outdoors in the sunlight.

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Aug. 30, 2021) — University of Kentucky students can now sign up for a powerful mental health support resource that’s available to them at no cost, anytime and anywhere they have internet connection.

Starting today, students will be able to benefit from receiving and providing support through Togetherall, an online peer-to-peer community that is accessible 24/7. Interactions on the platform are anonymous and supervised by licensed mental health practitioners — empowering students to safely share their thoughts and feelings in an inclusive environment.

The university is partnering with Togetherall as an extension of its existing relationship with ProtoCall Services, which provides after-hours counseling center coverage.

Taking a holistic approach to, and ensuring a continuum of care for, student well-being have long been foundations of UK’s strategic initiative as an institution of higher learning — a focus supported strongly by Office for Student Success efforts to implement a stepped-care model for mental health. Additionally, throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, UK has sought additional resources to help students combat isolation, anxiety and depression, no matter where they are physically located.

“Even under normal circumstances, university life is a demanding and stressful experience for students — and we all know that there is nothing normal about the times we’ve been living in since 2020. Moreover, the events of the pandemic have forever changed our environment, personal interactions and general expectations," Corrine Williams, acting associate vice president of student wellbeing, said. "While this doesn’t change the availability of any of our existing resources, like the Counseling Center, our goal is to help every UK student find their sense of personal well-being through a variety of tools and resources. Togetherall helps us do this by providing a welcoming community of peers whose shared experiences help to normalize the mental health challenges that our students are going through. Additionally, the anonymous nature of the platform and moderation by licensed mental health professionals eliminates fear of judgment and elevates a sense of safety — leading to candid, meaningful sharing.”

“The mental health crisis we’re experiencing on college campuses isn’t going away just because in-person learning has resumed at many institutions. The pandemic has left a huge question mark on our lives, especially as society continues the roller-coaster ride that comes with COVID-19 variants and resurgence," Matthew McEvoy, senior vice president and general manager of Togetherall in North America, added. "This is why we need to equip students with continuous mental health support they can access from wherever they are 24/7 — enabling them to ask for help the moment they need it. We are proud to welcome UK students into the fast-growing community of Togetherall users and help them along their journeys to holistic well-being.”

The funding is supported through the Emergency Reserve Fund in the first round of GEER funds (CARES Act). “We were fortunate to receive funds from the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education to help support student mental health as part of the COVID-19 relief efforts," Williams said.

To access the service, students can go to the mobile-responsive webpage ( and enter their academic email address.

About Togetherall:  

Worldwide, Togetherall is available to more than 2.5 million students, with thousands of new members registering each month. The effectiveness of the Togetherall community is further demonstrated by recent growth. Over the course of the 2020-2021 academic year, the number of student members in North America nearly doubled, with a corresponding increase in frequency of use. In a recent survey of Togetherall members, nearly 80% of students indicated that their main reason for joining was feelings of depression, and 70% cited feelings of anxiety. More than one-third of surveyed students reported that Togetherall is the only mental health support they are using, including from loved ones.

Founded in 2007, Togetherall is a leading online mental health service that provides millions of people throughout the United States, Canada, U.K. and New Zealand, access to community and professional support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The service is proven to help those who are struggling with stress, isolation, anxiety and other common mental health issues. Togetherall partners with organizations in the corporate, education, health and nonprofit sectors. To learn more, visit

Wildcat and students at the Gettin' Classy registration event in the Gatton Student Center.

UK launches helpline for student questions

UK launches helpline for student questions

Wildcat and students at the Gettin' Classy registration event in the Gatton Student Center.

What if I need directions to my classroom building? Is there more than one gym on campus? How can I get involved through a student organization? Can I apply for internship opportunities? What tutoring resources are available throughout the semester?

The transition to college can be daunting as life away from home becomes reality.

For new members of the Big Blue family, there’s still anticipation at the thought of new-found freedom and apprehension when it comes to leaving the familiar behind.

It’s important to recognize that change, even good change, can be challenging. But the University of Kentucky is focused on supporting you — the student —through a new helpline available 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Read the full story here

Student studying on campus.

UK partners with Talkspace

UK partners with Talkspace

Student studying on campus.

As a new semester is underway at the University of Kentucky, and we welcome our largest ever incoming freshman class, Student Success is working to increase student access to mental health services. 

In a unique new partnership, the university is teaming up with Talkspace, a confidential and secure online text and video chat therapy platform that offers access to mental health clinicians. With a network of thousands of credentialed clinicians, Talkspace is used by more than one million people, matching them with a licensed therapist that best suits their needs. Read the full story here

Student studying on campus.
UK students Harry Smith and Jerone Capili. Mark Cornelison | UK Photo.
A student shows off the Campus Ruckus 2019 t-shirt.

UK Tradition Campus Ruckus to Kick Off K Week

UK Tradition Campus Ruckus to Kick Off K Week

A student shows off the Campus Ruckus 2019 t-shirt.

LEXINGTON, Ky (Aug. 13, 2021) — Campus Ruckus, the kickoff event for K Week, will take place 8 p.m.-midnight Thursday, Aug. 19, at William H. Pieratt Intramural Fields.

Campus Ruckus is a unique event hosted by students, for the benefit of students. Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) are encouraged to showcase their organization by creating an activity that will engage incoming students during K Week. RSOs can table, chat with students and explain why being involved at the University of Kentucky is so important.

Usually, Campus Ruckus hosts anywhere from 3,000 to 5,000 first-year and transfer students. It is a great way for students to start getting involved on campus as they are introduced to organizations that might interest them. In return, organizations can recruit members and share their experiences on campus.

“Campus Ruckus is such a vital part of kicking off the school year and welcoming new students to campus because of the atmosphere it creates for the entire community,” said Lexi Greer, director of traditions for UK’s Student Activities Board. “After such a hard and confusing year, it is so important for incoming students to feel a sense of belonging and find a place where they can flourish on campus.”

Campus Ruckus tabling is open to registered student organizations at the UK. Student organizations can sign up to table by visiting the forms section under the Student Activities Board BBNvolved page. For questions about your registration status, click here or email

All students are invited to Campus Ruckus. Students wanting to attend the event should check Student Activities Board’s BBNvolved page closer to Aug. 19, as information continues to be upated related to COVID-19 policies.

Because of Campus Ruckus activities, 165 spaces in the Kroger Field Periphery (K) Blue Lot will be reserved beginning on Friday, Aug. 13. This 200 by 200 square foot area is located in the middle section of the Blue Lot, adjacent to Alumni Drive.

The Blue Lot area is being blocked early to ensure that it remains clear of vehicles for Campus Ruckus. Students will begin arriving on campus Monday, Aug. 16, and no vehicles will be allowed to park in this cordoned-off area. 

The University of Kentucky is increasingly the first choice for students, faculty and staff to pursue their passions and their professional goals. In the last two years, Forbes has named UK among the best employers for diversity, and INSIGHT into Diversity recognized us as a Diversity Champion four years running. UK is ranked among the top 30 campuses in the nation for LGBTQ* inclusion and safety. UK has been judged a “Great College to Work for" three years in a row, and UK is among only 22 universities in the country on Forbes' list of "America's Best Employers."  We are ranked among the top 10 percent of public institutions for research expenditures — a tangible symbol of our breadth and depth as a university focused on discovery that changes lives and communities. And our patients know and appreciate the fact that UK HealthCare has been named the state’s top hospital for five straight years. Accolades and honors are great. But they are more important for what they represent: the idea that creating a community of belonging and commitment to excellence is how we honor our mission to be not simply the University of Kentucky, but the University for Kentucky.

UK Traditions

Campus Traditions

Watercolor of UK game tickets

Cheer on the C-A-T-S CATS, CATS, CATS in one of our 23 varsity sports.

Watercolor of Dance Blue logo

Dance the night away at DanceBlue, a fundraiser to benefit children fighting cancer.

Watercolor of Mary Poppins figure with umbrella

Keep an umbrella alive in the Patterson Tower wind tunnel!

Watercolor of Patterson statue

Get an “A” on your finals by rubbing the right foot of President Patterson’s statue.

Watercolor of both Bowman statues on UK's campus

Take a picture on Bowman, the Wildcat sculpture at Alumni Plaza, and his lounging counterpart in the Gatton Student Center.

Watercolor of UK students sledding

Jump on a garbage can lid or trash bag and sled down the Bowl by Willy T.

Christopher Miller image

Get a picture with Wildcat and Scratch.

Watercolor of dancers

Check out the Homecoming Step Show.

Watercolor of amphitheater behind Memorial Hall

Take a study break in the amphitheater behind Memorial Hall.

Watercolor of nighttime Memorial Hall with film strip

Catch a free movie at the Student Center Cinema.

Watercolor of a weight

Never miss leg day! Work out at the Johnson Center or Alumni Gym.

Watercolor of the POT building

Take the elevator to the 18th floor of POT for an amazing view of campus.

Watercolor of UK Arboretum

Take a stroll through the Arboretum.

Enhance Your Academic Experience

Watercolor of books

Check out great campus resources for success like The Study, Presentation U! and the Mathskeller. View all the FREE academic resources available to you.

Watercolor of an open sign

Go to your professor’s office hours.

Watercolor of a Starbucks cup with WTY on side standing for William T. Young Library

Have a study session with your friends in Willy T. and grab a drink at Starbucks.

Watercolor of chemistry elements

Participate in undergraduate research.

Watercolor of a handshake

Gain real-world experience by working with the Stuckert Career Center to do an internship.

Explore the world, learn a new language and earn course credit with UK Education Abroad and Exchange.

Watercolor of paint brush, hammer and work glove

Spend a break serving others - get involved with service learning or do an Alternate Service Break!

Watercolor of a newstand

Keep up with the latest campus news by reading the Kentucky Kernel.

Expand Your Community

Letters spelling MLK

Visit the Martin Luther King Center on campus.

Watercolor of a campus tour

Stop a tour and tell them how awesome your experience at UK has been.

Watercolor of Student Activities Board

There’s always something going on. Check out campus events hosted by awesome student organizations like the Student Activities Board, Black Student Union, Student Government and many others!

Watercolor of a UK basketball jersey

Take part in an intramural team.

Watercolor of Keeneland College Scholarship Day logo

Grab some friends and enjoy the finest thoroughbred racing at Keeneland’s College Scholarship Day.

Watercolor of downtown Lexington, KY buildings

Explore downtown Lexington and find your favorite local restaurant.

Watercolor of the Red River Gorge

Step outside and take a hike at Red River Gorge.

Watercolor of a choir singing

A star is born on the UK stage! Grab a ticket to a performance by UK’s choirs, opera or theatre departments. And check out the UK Art Museum - it’s free!

Watercolor sign with 550 on it representing the number of students orgs on campus

Join a student organization using BBNvolved and make your mark here at UK! There are more than 500 student organizations on campus, so there’s something for everyone.

Bowman statue

UK well-being experts join forces to engage, strengthen and support campus community

UK well-being experts join forces to engage, strengthen and support campus community

Bowman statue

Well-being matters.

And at the University of Kentucky, we understand that ensuring the success of our community members means supporting the whole person.

It is important to provide an outstanding academic experience and opportunities for professional development, as well as address mental health and overall well-being.

Read the full article on UKNow

Stanley and Karen Pigman

Zoom background files

student in wheelchair with wildcat

‘You are not an imposter’ — UK faculty share advice, experiences as First-Gen students

‘You are not an imposter’ — UK faculty share advice, experiences as First-Gen students

student in wheelchair with wildcat

From being in the classroom to leading the classroom — first-generation students and graduates are an integral part of the University of Kentucky.

In fact, nearly one in four incoming freshmen and one in three transfer students at UK are first-gen.

Each year, Nov. 8 is dedicated to recognizing and celebrating those who represent the first generation in their family to attend college.

Read the full article here

trisha clement montgomery
Trisha Clement-Montgomery
Associate Vice President and Dean of Students
P. McKinney AVPSFS
Paul McKinney
Associate Vice President for Student Financial Stability
Tony Ralph
Tony Ralph
Director of Training and Development
molly r.
Molly Reynolds
Acting Associate Vice President for Student Excellence
Corrine Williams
Corrine Williams
Associate Vice President for Student Wellbeing
Dominick Williams
Dominick Williams
Associate Vice President for Student Success