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Academic Resources

Academic Advising Appointments

Academic advisors are assigned to every student by their college. This person is your primary academic advisor and will be your main point of contact each semester to ensure you are progressing towards your degree. They provide assistance in navigating life at UK, your academic/degree process, career pathways, and University policies and procedures.  You should meet with your academic advisor at least once each semester, but you can meet with them as often as you wish through appointments or drop-ins! 

You may want to make an appointment for… 

  • Your Advising Hold  

  • Academic concerns (resources, dropping a class) 

  • Discussions on your long-term academic plans 

  • Or for anything related to your success at UK! 

Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday 

8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

By appointment, with options to meet in-person, virtually, or by phone.

Many colleges also offer drop-in hours, which can be found on your college’s advising website

Quick Reference

Here are a few common questions about academic advising appointments:

How do I make an appointment with my primary academic advisor?

  1. Log into the myUK website with your linkblue ID and password.
  2. Under Student Services, select the Degree Planning and Registration (myUKGPS) tab.
  3. A Make Appointment button is available for each of your advisors, unless you already have a scheduled appointment.
  4. The advisor's calendar will be shown and you can select from the dates, times, and appointment modalities that work best for your schedule.
  5. Click the Schedule Appointment button to confirm your appointment.

For a more complete walkthrough, click here to download PDF instructions for Scheduling an Advising Appointment.


Tabs at the top of the screen in myUK. Students will select "Degree Planning and Registration (myUK GPS) to see their homepage and make an appointment with an advisor.
View of student's myUK GPS homepage. Advisors are listed along the righthand side of the page, with a "make appointment" button under each advisor's name.


How do I change or reschedule my advising appointment?

Students have the option to either:

  • Change the appointment modality (if available), or
  • Reschedule the appointment

If changing or rescheduling will not work for you, you may also cancel your appointment (see the next question down in the list).

Changing Modality

Your scheduled upcoming appointments can be seen on your myUK homepage, under the name of your advisor. Click on "View Appointments", select the appointment you wish to change. You can then select the "Change Meeting Method" button to switch the modality of your upcoming appointment. In general, options include "in-person", "online" or "phone"; not all options may be available for your appointment slot. 

Screenshot of the myUK homepage, within an advising appointment. The "change meeting method" button has been clicked and options for changing modality are shown on screen.



Your scheduled upcoming appointments can be seen on your myUK homepage, under the name of your advisor. Click on "View Appointments", and select the appointment you wish to reschedule. You can then select the "Reschedule” button to open up your advisor’s calendar to see available dates/times to reschedule. Once you select a new appointment, follow the same booking steps as for the original booking.

Screenshot of myUK homepage, within an advising appointment booking. The "Reschedule" button has been selected, and the screen shows the options for choosing a new appointment on the advisor's calendar.


How do I cancel my advising appointment?

If you need to cancel your appointment, please do so in myUK. Canceling the appointment in your Outlook calendar (or declining the invitation) will NOT cancel the appointment in myUK GPS, and may result in you being marked as a "no show" for your appointment.

If you would prefer to change or reschedule your appointment, please see the previous question in this list.


Your scheduled upcoming appointments can be seen on your myUK homepage, under the name of your advisor. Click on "View Appointments", select the appointment you wish to cancel. You can then select the "Cancel" button. Once you click it will prompt you to consider a few other options, but if you still wish to cancel, select the red "Cancel Appointment" button.

Screenshot of advising appointment in myUK. The "cancel" button has been selected under this appointment, prompting the student to choose from several options, including a red "Cancel Appointment" button.

When should I see my academic advisor?

You can make an appointment to see your advisor whenever you have questions about your academic plans, current classes, academic policies, etc.! They can also help connect you to other campus resources.

If you have questions about registering for next semester's classes, please make an appointment well ahead of your registration window (found on your myUK GPS homepage) to give you and your advisor time to discuss your plans and options.

Tabs at the top of the screen in myUK. Students will select "Degree Planning and Registration (myUK GPS) to see their homepage and make an appointment with an advisor.
Registration windows and deadlines as seen on the student's myUK GPS homepage.


How do I prepare for my advising appointment?

We are excited to meet with you! Here are some tips for what to expect for your advising appointment:

Keys to a Positive Advising Experience

Come prepared! 

  • Be honest with your advisor when discussing grades, current classes, study habits, and interests.
    • Review your midterm grades (if available prior to your advising appointment); be prepared to discuss those grades with your advisor.   
  • Be courteous to fellow students and advisors by showing up to your appointment.
    • If you must miss, please review the options above for changing the modality, rescheduling or canceling your appointment in advance.
  • Arrive and leave on time.
    • Schedule a second appointment if you require more time.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions!
    • Write down questions you may have regarding academics, jobs/internships, getting involved on campus, etc.
    • Follow up with your advisor.
  • Schedule your appointment in a timely manner, well in advance of your registration window.

Additional Ways to Prepare for Your Appointment 

If you would like to discuss your academic plans or class registration, please review your major requirements to identify what classes you should be thinking about enrolling in for the next semester(s). A few good places to check in myUK GPS include your Degree Audit summary, your Planned Courses including any Advisor Recommended courses, and the Schedule of Classes.

Degree Audit

  • Review the Degree Audit through myUK GPS (found in the menu, or in the tabs at the top of Course Planner). This is a great way to track your academic progress.
View of Course Planner in myUK GPS, showing how to get to the Degree Audit tab


Screenshot of where to look to view the Degree Audit for your program in myUK GPS.

Schedule of Classes

  • Check out the Schedule of Classes for class times and course pre-requisites in the course catalog.
How to find the Schedule of Classes in the menu of the myUK GPS homepage.
How to search in the Schedule of Classes

Planned Courses

  • In myUK, under Degree Planning and Registration, plan the classes you would like to take during next semester. You and your advisor will then discuss these classes during your advising appointment.
Schedule of classes in myUK, showing how to add a course to your "planned courses"


Viewing your planned courses in myUKGPS Course Planner tab.


I need to see my advisor soon, what can I do?

If your advisor has an open appointment slot, you can schedule it up to 2 hours before the start time.

If your advisor does not have an open appointment slot, you are welcome to attend your college’s drop-in/pop-in hours, or contact your advisor directly.  

What is this survey that came to my email after my appointment?

We care about your advising experience! Toward the end of your appointment, you will receive a very short survey at your UKY email address. Your survey responses will help us improve your advising experience, so we’d love to receive your feedback. 

Have other questions about advising?

Academic Major Exploratory Advising

Don’t know what to major in? Struggling between a few choices? Undecided on where to begin?

Discovering what’s wildly possible begins at the Stuckert Career Center. UK’s Major Exploratory Associates housed in the Stuckert Career Center can provide an overview of all your options at UK and assist you in finding a major that provides you with a life of meaning and purpose. Or maybe you are considering a minor/certificate or adding a second major; our team has a wealth of knowledge of all of UK’s undergraduate programs.

Discover a major that fits you, plan your courses, or explore a career shift. No matter where you are in the process, or if you just don’t know where to begin, our team is here to help! Schedule an appointment online, drop-in at the center, or call for an appointment.

Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday 8:00am-5:00pm

Stuckert Career Center
408 Rose St., Lexington, KY 40506
Virtual and In-person

Academic Major/Minor Exploration

Don't have a handshake account or unsure how to access your account? Click here for more information!

Schedule an appointment in handshake

UK Invests

This service qualifies for UK Invests. By attending and checking in, you can earn money for your account.

Haven't opened a UK Invests account? 
Get started today at

Academic Planning

SSS participants will meet with an SSS Program Advisor a minimum of three times per semester (the third appointment may be held via email correspondence).  These meetings typically last around 50 minutes and provide comprehensive academic support.  Please note if you are receiving a William C. Parker Scholarship, the services you receive through SSS will fulfill the requirements necessary to keep your scholarship

Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm  

(Fall and Spring Semesters – open until 7pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays) 

Student Support Services Office
Gatton Student Center – East Wing C201

ADHD Support Group

Join a welcoming community for students living with symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. 

Our group provides a safe space to share experiences, learn strategies, and find support.

Drop in starting 10/2!

Hours of Operation

Fall 2024

Starts 10/2

Wednesdays, 2:30-4 pm

113 Mandrell Hall

Career Exploration

Career Exploration starts with a Career Advisor

Our Career Advisors are the leading industry experts to start your conversation about the career development process. Once you are established in your major your attention can shift to your career options with us here to guide you. Our experienced advisors assist students to be career-ready for today’s diverse job market. 

Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday (8am – 5pm) 

Stuckert Career Center
408 Rose St., Lexington, KY 40506
Virtual and In-person

We offer a wide range of services, which include but are not limited to: 

  • job and internship search assistance
  • helping to polish your career documents (such as your resume, CV, or cover letter)
  • guidance on interview preparation
  • mock interviews
  • salary negotiation strategies
  • and much more

We are here to help you start your career journey.

Career Exploration

Don't have a handshake account or unsure how to access your account? Click here for more information!

Schedule an appointment in handshake

UK Invests

UK Invests

This service qualifies for UK Invests. By attending and checking in, you can earn money for your account.

Haven't opened a UK Invests account? 
Get started today at

CARES Advising

Students are able to receive services by visiting the CARES office or contacting their CARES program advisor.  

CARES provides one-on-one and group advising aimed at providing resources to support students’ academic, career, and social-emotional goals. Individual advising appointments typically last 30 minutes and focus on holistic supports for where the individual is at in their unique college journey. Common topics include: 

  • Academic progress 
  • Selecting a major 
  • Tutoring and academic support resources 
  • Career preparation 
  • Research and internship opportunities 
  • Getting involved on campus 
  • Social-emotional and mental health supports 


In addition, first and second year students are invited to attend group advising sessions. These one-hour meetings focus on common issues facing students and where to find supports on campus.  

Hours of Operation

Monday – Thursday: 8 AM – 6 PM 
Friday: 8 AM – 5 PM 

CARES Office
Room 104, McVey Hall (155 Graham Ave.)

To Schedule an Appointment with Your CARES Advisor

  1. Visit
  2. Click on “Degree Planning and Registration (myUKGPS)”
  3. On the right side of the window, you will see all of your advisors listed including their CARES Advisor.
  4. Click on the button that says “Make Appointment” underneath the CARES Advisor’s name.  

Start Scheduling an Appointment

CARES Drop-In Tutoring

CARES provides free tutoring via drop-in study sessions for the following classes. To learn more, please stop by the CARES office in McVey Hall.

  • BIO 148 / BIO 155
  • CHE 101
  • CHE 105 / CHE 111
  • CHE 109
  • CHE 110 / CHE 111
  • CHE 230
  • MA 109
  • MA 110
  • MA 111
  • MA 113
  • MA 123
  • MA 231
  • PSY 100
CARES Office
Room 104, McVey Hall (155 Graham Ave.)

Case Management Services

Case management is designed to guide you to identify your needs, build problem-solving strategies, and connect to the resources; all with the care and support of your case manager. Sign up to meet with a case manager here!

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday

8:00 am - 5:00 pm

513 Patterson Office Tower
cares session

Center for Academic Resources and Enrichment Services (CARES)

Featured image
cares session
Student Success Area
Unit/Program Description
Assisting students in the areas of academic support, student development, tutoring, mentoring, and social enrichment programming
Center for Support and Intervention 

Center for Support and Intervention 

Common Hour Study Group

Common Hour Study Group (CHSG) sessions are large group tutoring sessions facilitated by peer tutors at The Study.

Course Date & Time Additional Resources
MA 113/114

Sundays 6-8pm

Sept. 22nd 

Oct. 20th

Nov. 17th 


MA 113 Course Website

MA 114 Course Website

CHE 105

Mondays 6-8pm

Sept. 16th

Oct. 14th

Nov. 11th

UK General Chemistry Course Details
MA 123

Mondays 6-8pm

Sept. 23rd

Oct. 21st

Nov. 18th

MA 123 Course Website
Hours of Operation

CHSG sessions will be held in the evenings, approximately a week prior to the course's exam date. Please check the schedule for exact date and time for your course's CHSG session.



The Study Central
500 Rose Street, Lexington KY 40506

Common Hour Study Group (CHSG)

tutor at whiteboard

What are CHSGs

Common Hour Study Group (CHSG) sessions are large group tutoring sessions facilitated by The Study's veteran peer tutors. The Study works with current course faculty to prepare practice problems that are representative of what students can expect to see on the exam.   

The Study has found students who attend both drop-in tutoring as well as CHSG sessions, on average, do better in their course than those who attend only CHSG sessions. Therefore, we strongly encourage students to also access free drop-in peer tutoring early and often! 

Students working together at a supplemental instruction session

What to Expect at CHSGs

When coming to CHSG, students can expect to work collaboratively with other students in the same course. Peer tutors will use practice problems to guide students through exam concepts and will also address any specific questions students may have about topics on the exam as well as best ways to prepare. 

Faculty & Staff who would like to collaborate with The Study on an event and/or request a representative to come to their class and speak about our services are invited to email us at

Didn’t find what you need?  Check out other Transformative Learning Services or Campus Academic Resources.

UK Invests

This service qualifies for UK Invests. By attending and checking in, you can earn money for your account.

Haven't opened a UK Invests account? 
Get started today at

White board in counseling center

CSI Self-Referral

There are many resources, both on and off campus. Learning what is available and a good fit for your needs is something we can help with. Case managers have in-depth knowledge of the resources and can walk you through every step in making those connections.  Making a referral for yourself gets you set up with a case manager.

Current Graduate, post-doc and professional students

Personalized Career Development Support

Are you a current graduate student, post-doc, or a professional student looking to elevate your career prospects? We've got you covered! Our personalized individual appointments offer expert guidance on a wide range of career and professional development topics to help you achieve your goals.

The Stuckert Career Center provides an extensive range of programming and services for students enrolled in UK graduate degree programs, postdoc students, and new graduates. The Stuckert Career Center works in close partnership with the Graduate School, the Graduate Student Congress, and other campus units to develop and support the career and professional development needs of graduate students and postdoc students.

Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm

Stuckert Career Center
408 Rose St., Lexington, KY 40506
Virtual and In-person

Graduate, post-doc and professional students

Don't have a handshake account or unsure how to access your account? Click here for more information!

Schedule an appointment in handshake

Disability Resource Center

Drop-In Discussion

Drop-in discussions are designed as brief (15 minutes or less) sessions to provide guidance in exploring careers, answer question about which major to choose or help connect to experts in the field.


If further discussion or assistance needed, students are encouraged to schedule an appointment with an advisor to ensure they receive comprehensive support.


Hours of Operation

Tuesday-Thursday 1:00 - 3:00pm

Stuckert Career Center
408 Rose St., Lexington, KY 40506

Drop-In options can include:

  1. Professional Documentation Review: Get feedback on your resume, CV, cover letter, or thank-you notes.
  2. ​​​​​​Career Exploration: Discuss different career paths and goals.
  3. Academic Major/Minor: Discuss your major or minor and the possibility of changing your major. 
  4. Job/Internship Search: Get help with finding opportunities and developing a search strategy.
  5. Pre-Graduate/Professional School Advising: Get guidance on further education.
  6. Interview Prep: Discuss preparing for job interviews effectively.

When you arrive at the Career Center:

  • Check-in at the front desk - our front desk student assistant will request your Link Blue ID for check-in purposes. 
  • You will then be directed to our library to meet with one of our career center staff to begin the discussion. 

UK Invests

This service qualifies for UK Invests. By attending and checking in, you can earn money for your account.

Haven't opened a UK Invests account? 
Get started today at

Experiential Education - Earning Academic Credit

Experiential Education is designed to assist in connecting students and employers in developing career-related learning opportunities in an internship, cooperative education (co-op), volunteer, service-learning, or externship experiences. The classifications sometimes vary depending on the academic discipline. Experiential Education may be paid or unpaid, full-time or part-time, local, national, or international.

All positions are carefully supervised, professional-level, and structured in which the student sets intentional learning goals and actively reflects on what has been learned. These experiences can help students to clarify career goals, gain valuable professional-level experience, strengthen skills, and develop a professional network to positively impact job and graduate school outcomes. 

Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm

Stuckert Career Center
408 Rose St., Lexington, KY 40506
Virtual and In-person

EXP Search:

So, you are ready to take the knowledge that you have been obtaining from your coursework and in class activities and apply them to real world experiences. But maybe you are not sure where to get started to find an experience or maybe you need just a little more help. Either way you can find help right here at the Stuckert Career Center. Students can schedule a “Job Search Strategies” appointment through Handshake. The “Job Search Strategies” appointment is designed for you to learn about resources available to support your search and ways you can optimize your search process, whether you're seeking full-time employment, an internship, or another type of opportunity.

Experiential Education

Don't have a handshake account or unsure how to access your account? Click here for more information!

Schedule an appointment in handshake

Experience opportunities: 

Academic Experiences: 

  • An academic experience indicates that a student will be seeking academic credit for a career-related experience.
  • This process includes creating a Learning Contract, obtaining department approval, obtaining a UK Sponsor, submitting completed field hours, and receiving an employer evaluation.
  • An academic experience may be either paid or unpaid. Academic experiences are typically done on a general elective, Pass/Fail basis with the number of acceptable credit hours determined by the student’s college or department. 

Non-Credit Experiences: 

  • A non-credit experience implies that a student will be working for the benefit of experience gained, but not for any type of academic recognition.
  • The employer is encouraged to consider the intern as they would any other temporary employee.
  • This option may be preferable to a student who does not need additional credit hours.
  • Non-credit experiences are often paid in order to comply with U.S. Department of Labor laws.

Get Support

Navigating life stressors through the college years can be difficult and overwhelming at times. The Center for Support and Intervention staff are here to help! Case management is designed to guide you to identify your needs, build problem-solving strategies, and connect to resources around campus and Lexington; all with the care and support of your dedicated CSI case manager.  

Graduate School Prep

Interested in going to graduate school? Learn about resources for applying to graduate school. Stuckert Career Center can also assist you with the application process for the program, areas of your interest, as well as how to research which programs and schools are best for your career goals. 

Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm

Stuckert Career Center
408 Rose St., Lexington, KY 40506
Virtual and In-person


Most graduate schools/programs do not have pre-requisite requirements. Graduate schools/programs might request that you have completed or will be completing a Bachelor's degree from an accredited institution.

Please refer to an Admission Counselor from your desired institution or visit your desired institution’s admission page to learn more about pre-requisite requirements

Application Process

Most graduate schools/programs start their newly admitted classes once a year in the Fall semester. But there are some institutions that offer Spring and/or Summer admission.

Applications are submitted at least 6 – 12 months in advance of the desired enrollment date. To maximize your opportunities for school acceptances, scholarships, and research/teaching/graduate assistantships, you should apply to graduate schools/programs the Fall before you wish to enroll. While applying early in the cycle has advantages, the best time for you to apply is when your application is the best it can be.

Requirements vary from graduate program to graduate program. Visit your desired institution’s admission page to learn more about specific information about requirements.

The Graduate School Application includes 6 - 7 components:

  1. Application Form
  2. Official Transcript from all institutions
  3. Entrance Exam – the GRE or GRE Subject Test (select programs)
  4. Personal Statement/Statement of Purpose
  5. Writing Sample (select programs)
  6. Letters of Recommendation
  7. Resume or Curriculum Vitae Resume

Application Timeline

Freshmen – Sophomore Year

  • Maintain and keep up your grades using the Transformative Learning services (
  • Participate in volunteer, student organization and leadership opportunities
  • Participate in undergraduate research or study/intern abroad opportunities within or outside your major
  • Schedule and shadow professionals in your relevant field
  • Apply for related jobs, internships, and practicum opportunities
  • Complete your resume or curriculum vitae resume review by scheduling a “Resume Review” with us at the button below “Schedule Appointment
  • Identify and meet often with your instructors for a potential letter of recommendation
  • Save and organize papers from your core courses/within your major for potential writing sample submissions
  • Start studying for the GRE during the Fall semester to take the entrance exam in the Spring semester. Register and attend a Transformative Learning’s GRE Prep Seminar (
  • Research graduate schools/programs
  • Create a budget for application fees and GRE exam (Please reach out if you need resources for financial assistance)
  • Maintain and keep up your grades using the Transformative Learning services (
  • Participate in volunteer, student organization and leadership opportunities
  • Participate in undergraduate research or study/intern abroad opportunities within or outside your major
  • Schedule and shadow professionals in your relevant field
  • Apply for related jobs, internships, and practicum opportunities
  • Complete your resume or curriculum vitae resume review by scheduling a “Resume Review” with us at the button below “Schedule Appointment
  • Identify and meet often with your instructors for a potential letter of recommendation 
  • Save and organize papers from your core courses/within your major for potential writing sample submissions

Senior (Summer and Fall semester)

  • Re-take the GRE if necessary
  • Select graduate schools/programs you plan to apply to
  • Complete and pay for Application Form(s)
  • Submit a request for Official Transcript with the Office of the Registrar (
  • Maintain and keep up your grades using the Transformative Learning services (
  • Participate in volunteer, student organization and leadership opportunities
  • Participate in undergraduate research or study/intern abroad opportunities within or outside your major
  • Schedule and shadow professionals in your relevant field
  • Apply for related jobs, internships, and practicum opportunities
  • Research graduate school/program’s personal statement/statement of purpose prompt and guidelines.
  • Complete a personal statement/statement of purpose review with the Writing Center ( or schedule a “Graduate/Professional School Prep” with us at the button below “Schedule Appointment
  • Complete a final resume or curriculum vitae resume review by scheduling a “Resume Review” with us at the button below “Schedule Appointment
  • Research financial resources to pay for graduate school/program with Financial Wellness (
  • Identify and request a letter of recommendation from your instructors, advisor, internship, or job supervisor, coaches, etc.
  • Submit papers from your core courses/within your major for if a writing sample is required


Most graduate programs do not have or require an interview as part of their application process. However, if yours does, you can schedule a mock interview with us or practice through BigInterview in your Handshake account.

Application Materials: Letters of Recommendation/Personal Statements/Resumes

Letters of Recommendation 

Requirements for letters vary between schools, most graduate schools require 1-3 letters of recommendation. Begin early to establish a network of professors and supervisors (for volunteer or paid work) who are familiar with your work. It is important to choose recommenders who know you well.

Academic Letters: At least one to two letters, should be from faculty members who have taught you in a class and are able to make specific observations about your personal and academic achievements and your potential for graduate school. Get to know your Professors early, start your Freshman year. 

Personal Statements

Graduate schools will want a Personal Statement/Statement of Purpose on who you are and your interests within the field. 

Research graduate school/program’s personal statement/statement of purpose prompt and guidelines.

Complete a personal statement/statement of purpose review with the Writing Center ( or schedule a “Graduate/Professional School Prep” with us at the button below “Schedule Appointment



Many graduate schools require resumes/curriculum vita resumes as part of their applications, and those that don’t will often accept one anyway. A resume allows you to highlight all your activities and accomplishments in your own way. It can’t be stressed enough, however, that the resume is not a substitute for completely filling out the school’s application form.

Complete your resume or curriculum vitae resume review by scheduling a “Resume Review” with us at the button below “Schedule Appointment


Involvement and volunteering allow you to supplement a strong academic record. Graduate school admissions committees like to see evidence of initiative, service, creativity, leadership and collaboration, and organizational skills. However, it is important to remember that such activities will not substitute for poor grades, so don’t sacrifice study time for activities. 

Search UK Student Organizations/Programs at BBNVolved:

Search UK Service-Learning and Civic Engagement for opportunities to help in the community:

Graduate School Prep

Don't have a handshake account or unsure how to access your account? Click here for more information!

Schedule an appointment in handshake

Graduate School Preparation

Students must meet SSS program eligibility requirements and be accepted into the program prior to requesting services (they can then call the SSS Office at 859-257-9797 and schedule an appointment with a program advisor and/or sign up for a graduate school workshop or campus visit).   

Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm  

(Fall and Spring Semesters – open until 7pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays) 

Student Support Services Office
Gatton Student Center – East Wing C201

GRE Prep Seminar

Transformative Learning offers free ETS-certified GRE Prep Seminars for UK students, staff, and alumni. 

The GRE Prep Seminar is a one-time, 2 hour long, workshop designed to provide test-takers with an overview of what to expect when taking the GRE, brush up on test-taking and study strategies, as well as review materials for the verbal, quantitative, and analytical writing sections of the exam. 

GRE Prep Seminars will be offered both in-person and virtually via zoom. All attendees must register in advance, as seating is limited!  

  Date & Time Location

Registration Link

Thursday, September 19th

2:30 - 4:30 pm

Registration Link

Friday, October 25th

12:00 - 2:00 pm

Virtual (Zoom)
Registration Link

Thursday, November 14th

2:30 - 4:30 pm

Hours of Operation

Fall 2024 Schedule

Thursday, September 18th 2:30-4:30pm

Friday, October 25th 12:00 - 2:00pm

Thursday, November 14th 2:30-4:30pm


The Study Central
500 Rose Street, Lexington KY 40506

Looking for additional Exam Prep Strategies? Check out Integrated Success Coaching 

Didn’t find what you need?  Check out other Transformative Learning Services or Campus Academic Resources.

Information Workshops

Information workshops are provided on multiple topics to continue the growth of the SSS participant throughout their time at UK.  These workshops provide students with great information in a short amount of time.   

  • Color Code 

  • Scholarships 

  • Vision Board 

  • KORU Mindfulness/Stress Management 

  • Financial Aid 

Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm  

(Fall and Spring Semesters – open until 7pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays) 

Student Support Services Office
Gatton Student Center – East Wing C201

Integrated Success Coaching

What can I expect?

You can expect to leave each coaching session with a personalized action plan around topics such as goal setting, time management, study strategies, getting motivated, and stress management. Our coaches specialize in Academic Life Skills, Careers, Finances, Leadership, Identity Needs (i.e., ADHD, First Gen), and Wellness so you can meet with someone that best fits your needs.

Coaches meet with both undergraduate and graduate students. Make your appointment today and start living your best college life!

Examples of what you can work on with a coach:

Goal Setting & Tracking Identifying Resources ADHD Strategies for College
Managing Stress Time Management School/Life/Work Balance
Increasing Motivation Building Academic Confidence Learning to Hold Yourself Accountable
Decreasing Procrastination Study Strategies  Improving Wellness
Test Preparation Improving Habits Note-Taking


Hours of Operation


Appointments are available first come, first serve: 

Monday - Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.  

Friday:  9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. 

The Study Central @ The Boone Center
The Study North @ Jewell Hall
B-24 in The Hub @ W.T. Young Library

Make an Appointment

You can make an appointment by:

  1. Sign in to your myUK account.
  2. Click on the Student Service tab.
  3. Under myInfo, click the Integrated Success Coaching link.
  4. You can book an appointment two ways: 
    1. Click "First Available" by location
    2. Click on the coach that you want to book with


Having trouble making an appointment? 
Request Help Making an Appointment

Login to Schedule Your Appt.

Step-by-Step Guide to Schedule an Appt.

Video instructions on how to make an individual coaching appointment

Meet our coaches

International Coaching Federation Certified Coaches

We strive to provide the highest quality coaching to our students. That is why all of our coaches are certified or seeking certification by the International Coaching Federation (ICF). The ICF credential is the only globally recognized professional certification.  All of our coaches complete the University of Kentucky's ICF accredited 60-125 hour training, hundreds of hours of coaching and continuous mentor coaching to maintain their ICF certification.

Meet our coaches.

How to make an individual appointment

You can make an appointment by:

1. Sign in to your myUK account.

2. Click on the Student Service tab.

3. Under myInfo, click the Integrated Success Coaching link.

4. You can book an appointment two ways: 1.) click "First Available" by location or 2.) click on the coach that you want to book with.

Having trouble making an appointment? Request Help Making an Appointment

Video examples of a coaching appointment

For most college students, this is their first experience with coaching.  Here are a few videos of a typical coaching session to help you know what to expect.

Coach Trevor Tierney coaching Coach Melinda

Video file


Coach Benjamin Dunn coaching Coach Trevor Tierney

Video file



How should I prepare for a coaching appointment?

If you are meeting with a coach virtually:

  • Be in a quiet, distraction-free place.  We talk about grades and academics often during coaching sessions, and that information is confidential.
  • We ask that you meet inside.  When students meet virtually with us outside, wind, noise, and other distractors make it difficult to hear.
  • Keep your camera on if possible. Both students and coaches get more out of a session when the camera is on.
  • If you log-in and you are not in an appropriate place for a coaching session, your coach may ask you to reschedule. For example, we will not meet with you if you are in a loud, nonprivate space like the dining hall or driving in a car.

For both in-person and virtual:

  • We are often booked several weeks in advance.  If you cancel or no-show, you may not be able to get back in for several weeks, so be on-time and cancel only if absolutely necessary. 

Are you a student having trouble making an appointment?

Coaching is a very popular service and appointments typically book at least two weeks in advance.  If you try to schedule and can't find an opening or are having trouble making an appointment for any reason, please contact us and we will get back to you via email, call, and/or text within 2 business days.

Request Help Making an Appointment

Are you a faculty/staff member who would like to refer a student to coaching?

Do you have a student you think could benefit from coaching?  Let us know!

Faculty/Staff Referal to Coaching

Are you looking for group coaching?

Faculty, staff and student organizations can request group coaching sessions.

Learn more about group coaching.

Are you looking for coach training?

We provide Integrated Success Coach Advocate (ISCA) training for UK faculty, staff and student groups who want to learn foundational coaching skills.

Learn more about ISCA training

Contact us

Email us:


What do students have to say about coaching?

Meeting with a coach was one of the most helpful things I've done in college.

This meeting was very helpful in motivating me to be a better student and a better version of myself.

Learning how I study best with my coach has given me the confidence I needed.

Didn’t find what you need?  Check out other Transformative Learning Services and Campus Academic Resources.

UK Invests

This service qualifies for UK Invests. By attending and checking in, you can earn money for your account.

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Interview Prep

Interviews might seem intimidating but they offer valuable opportunities for personal growth and professional development. Our career advisors are here to help you prepare and give you confidence going into your interview! 

Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm

Stuckert Career Center
408 Rose St., Lexington, KY 40506
Virtual and In-person

Examples of what an appointment with an advisor might look like: 

  • Talk through things you can expect during the interview process
  • Explore interview strategies 
  • Discuss commonly asked interview questions 
  • Complete a mock interview

Interview Prep

Don't have a handshake account or unsure how to access your account? Click here for more information!

Schedule an appointment in handshake

Ways to prepare for your interview


  • Before the interview, be sure you know where you are going, the drive time, and the parking situation. 
  • Dress professionally and have your attire laundered and ready the night before the interview.   (Don’t forget to polish those shoes!) Most industries will be most impressed with business suit attire. How you look creates a first and lasting impression. 
  • Take additional copies of our resume with you. Be prepared to “walk” your interviewers through your resume and be sure you can answer anything about it. 
  • Offer detailed and specific examples that demonstrate your "fit" for the position. 
  • Know the industry standards and the history of the company you are applying to. 
  • Have questions ready for the interviewers about the position. But never bring up salary until you are offered the position. (See the list below for question suggestions). 

List of Questions to Ask the Interviewer

Come prepared with questions you can ask that demonstrate your understanding of the organization and interest in the position. It’s okay to have these written down. And it also makes a good impression if you quickly jot down the answers. Sometimes your prepared questions may get answered in the course of the interview, that’s okay. Just plan a list of 5 to 7 questions so you will be ready. 

Here are a few suggestions: 

  • What can I expect on a typical day? 
  • Why is this position open? Is it a new position in the company? 
  • To whom does this position report? 
  • What are your expectations of the person hired for this position within the first 30 days? 
  • What do you like about working here? 
  • When can I expect to hear from you? 
  • And any other industry-related questions you may have. 


  • Salary! Never mention salary unless you have officially been offered the position. Please see a career advisor as to the best way to navigate the, “So how much money do you need to make?” question. 
  • Time off, lunch breaks, and other compensation issues will be addressed if a job offer is made, and you can address those questions at that time. 



  • Immediately send a thank you note to each person who interviewed you. They may be meeting with a long list of candidates, so it’s best to make contact while they still remember you. 
  • Keep it brief, but consider the following: 
  • Reference something you discussed in the meeting. Again, you want them to remember you, so this might help make a stronger connection. 
  • Clarify any questions you stumbled on during the interview. If you forgot to bring up a relevant certification, for example, this is a good time to mention it. 
  • Express appreciation for their time and consideration. The interview process can be labor and resource-intensive. This is a good time to show your gratitude and reinforce your interest in the position. 
  • Written correspondence (i.e., physically mailing a letter) is rare these days but it is appropriate if a longer hiring timeline has been given. If your correspondence with the company has been primarily via email, it’s okay to send a thank you note via email. BUT…handwritten sure makes a great impression! 

Next Week:

  • If you haven’t heard anything within the employer’s given timeline, send an email to follow-up on the process. 
  • Keep it brief, thank them again, and express your interest. Careful not to nag an employer for an answer, but if you still don’t get a response within a reasonable time, let it go and move on with your search. 

Remember, you don’t have the job until you’ve signed a written offer letter. Keep looking for positions and applying for jobs, even if the interview went well and you assume the job will be offered to you. 

UK Invests

This service qualifies for UK Invests. By attending and checking in, you can earn money for your account.

Haven't opened a UK Invests account? 
Get started today at

Interview Room Reservation

Need a space to conduct a virtual or in person interview? Reserve a room for your interview at the Stuckert Career Center.

What to bring with you: Your own device.

What is provided: Individual room with desk, chairs and a device stand.

Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm

Stuckert Career Center
408 Rose St., Lexington, KY 40506

Interview Room Reservation

Don't have a handshake account or unsure how to access your account? Click here for more information!

reserve a room in handshake

Additional Campus locations to reserve an interview room

Additional interview spaces:

There are additional spaces available around campus such as in the Gatton Student Center study rooms and these rooms are on a first-come, first-served basis.  

  • To make a reservation at the Gatton Student Center, please go through the Gatton Student Center Information Desk.  

  • The Jacobs Science Building has study rooms available for students to reserve via the campus Event Management System.  

  • Gatton Business students can reserve study rooms in the Gatton College of Business & Economics