Tutoring and Academic Resources
Math & Science
- eStudio
- Free tutoring for College of Engineering students through the Tau Beta Pi engineering honor society.
- General Chemistry Learning Center
- One-on-one support for students enrolled in general chemistry courses.
- LEAP (Lab for Economics & Accounting Proficiency)
- Free tutoring services for students enrolled in Accounting and Economics courses.
- Mathskeller
- Support for students in all 100-level math courses, as well as MA 213 and MA 214.
- Organic Chemistry Learning Center
- One-on-one support for students enrolled in introductory organic chemistry courses.
- Physics and Astronomy Learning Center
- Free support for students enrolled in physics and/or astronomy courses.
- Statistics Tutoring Center
- The Statistics Tutoring Center (TC) provides free tutoring for students enrolled in STA 210 and STA 296.
Media, Writing, Research
- Business Analytics Lab
- Free tutoring and software support for students enrolled in Analytics courses.
- Library Reference Services
- Individual and small group research assistance.
- Presentation U
- Tutoring for speeches, papers, presentations and other communication assignments.
- The Media Depot
- One-on-one assistance with multimedia assignments including podcasts, infographics, and video. Class workshops and tours.
- The Writing Center
- Virtual and in-person assistance with beginning, developing or reviewing writing projects for any course.
General Tutoring & Coaching
- CARES (Center for Academic Resources and Enrichment Services)
- Academic support programs.
- CATS (Center for Academic and Tutorial Services)
- Tutoring sessions for varsity student-athletes of all sports.
- Integrated Success Coaching
- Personal and academic development.
- SSS (Student Support Services)
- A federally-funded program created to support students who are first generation, low income or have a documented disability.
- The Study - Peer Tutoring
- Free, drop-in peer tutoring for a variety of 100 and 200-level math, science and business courses.
- Supplemental Instruction
- Weekly peer-led group study sessions for various courses.
- Common Hour Study Group
- Large group tutoring sessions for specific classes facilitated by peer tutors at The Study.