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SafeZone Workshops are 90-minute workshops to equip individuals to be more aware and active allies. This workshop explores LGBTQ* identities, strategies for supporting student experiences, and exploring LGBTQ* related campus and community resources. The Office of LGBTQ* Resources hosts 2-3 campus-wide SafeZones per semester; these are open to all UK faculty, staff, and students. 



The Office of LGBTQ* Resources will host 2-3 campus-wide SafeZones in Spring 2024. Return to this page for any updates, or contact us via email at


UK Departments

If you are a UK department or organization and would like to schedule a private SafeZone workshop, please complete our form on BBNvolved (this form is currently closed and will reopen in January 2024). Student organizations, faculty, and staff are responsible for reserving the workshop space and must coordinate this with the Office of LGBTQ* Resources. Workshop spaces must have AV capabilities. This workshop primarily caters to supporting students, faculty, and staff of UK but can be adapted upon request for outside community partners or other topics. 



Our office conducts 2-3 campus-wide SafeZone Workshops per semester. These are open to all UK faculty, staff, and students. We ask that attendees RSVP before attending, as we have limited spots available. Campus-Wide SafeZones are announced at the beginning of the semester.

Campus Partners, Off-Campus, and Additional Presentations

To inquire about all other off-campus, non-UK organizations, or other types of workshops and presentations, please contact the Office of LGBTQ* Resources for more information via phone at 859-218-4816 or email at


*Please note: Due to the collaborative and discussion-based nature of the workshop, we do not provide virtual or online versions of this workshop. Additionally, recording of this workshop is prohibited as personal information may be shared by facilitators and/or participants.