Emergency Basic Needs Fund Housing, Rent and Utilities
Today’s student faces increased costs of higher education while federal grants and loans continue to shrink. Many students are one emergency away from dropping out of school because of their inability to pay their bills. The solution we have turned to are emergency award grants. These grants are typically around $500 and can support students who are experiencing a financial crisis, that for many of us would be an uncomfortable hit to our savings account, but for these students, it may mean walking away from an undergraduate or graduate degree.
Students must apply for these emergency grants and provide the necessary information and documentation. This process allows for student at financial risk for leaving to institution to connect with a Basic Needs Coordinator who can provide additional resources, referrals, and financial education.
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Possible Expenses a Grant Will Cover:
- Safety needs (changing of locks, temporary housing changes)
- Replacement of belongings, including textbooks, due to fire, theft or natural disaster
- Medical/Dental bills/Medication (cannot cover outstanding balances)
- Housing/Rent/Utilities
- Food/Groceries
- Personal Automobile/Travel
- Childcare
- Other emergency or unforeseen circumstances
What Award-Grants do NOT Cover:
- Tuition and Fees
- Legal Fines/Expenses
- Parking Tickets/Fines
- Health Insurance
- Study Abroad costs
- Car Repairs that are non-emergent, cosmetic, or routine car maintenance
- Purchasing of a vehicle or car payments are not allowed