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Intern and Employer of the Year Award

The University of Kentucky seeks to recognize and honor the achievements of its student interns as well as acknowledge the deep investment employers make in our students every year. Experiential Education is an important component of student success in college and sets students up for accomplishment in their careers after college. Companies and organizations are critical to creating exceptional learning and working opportunities for our students.

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UK Intern of the Year

The UK Student Intern of the Year honors undergraduate and graduate students who exceeded expectations, took ownership and initiative, grew as a professional, and made an outstanding impact on their organization.

Time Period of Student Experience

Time Period of Student Experience: January 2024 to December 2024

Intern Categories

  • Undergraduate student 
  • Graduate student 

Intern Nomination Requirements

Businesses, nonprofits, and government agencies as well as UK offices, departments, and faculty can nominate a student for UK Intern of the Year.  The UK Experiential Education Awards selection committee will review applications based on the following areas: 

  • How the student exceeded expectations and went above and beyond a normal internship. 
  • Student growth in soft skills needed to succeed in the world of work.  
  • Examples of student’s outstanding work, touching on initiative, creativity, professionalism, or original work – related to the assigned projects.  
  • How the student made a positive impact on their department, organization or operations, such as but not limited to: cost savings, process or quality improvements.  
  • How student specifically grew professionally throughout this work-integrated learning experience. 

(Note: Student must be in Good Academic/Student Conduct Standing)

Application Process & Timeline

  • Please complete the nomination form, including uploading a letter on letterhead (1-2 pages):
  • The deadline for nominations: December 20, 2024
  • Following submission of your nomination, we will ask students to provide a student statement and resume to complete the application.

The UK Employer of the Year Award

The UK Employer of the Year Award is presented to an employer for significant contributions to the University of Kentucky through recruitment and hiring of our students and alumni, as well as engagement with the UK career centers to support career programs and professional development on campus.

Time Period of Employer Involvement

Time Period of Employer Involvement: January 2024 to December 2024 

Employer Nomination Requirements

UK students, staff, or faculty members can nominate an employer for the UK Employer of the Year Award.  The UK Experiential Education Awards selection committee will review applications based on the following areas: 

  • Hosted at least 1 UK student intern during the required term (January 2024 - December 2024)  
  • Employer-provided opportunities for mentorship, training, professional development, and networking, as well as challenging roles and assignments to student intern(s). 
  • Employer’s level of engagement and involvement with UK and UK students including student informational interviews, job shadow experiences, campus career fairs, employer panels, classroom presentations, student organizations, and hiring of UK students.

Application Process & Timeline

  • Please complete the nomination form 
  • The deadline for nominations: December 20, 2024

The UK Course Sponsor of the Year Award

The UK Course Sponsor of the Year Award will be presented to a faculty or staff member who have dedicated their time to support a University of Kentucky student to earn academic credit for an experiential education experience (Includes, but not limited to internships, co-ops, fellowships, and clinical).

Time Period of Course Sponsor Involvement

Time Period of Involvement: January 2024 to December 2024 

Course Sponsor Nomination Requirements

UK students can nominate their Course Sponsor for the UK Course Sponsor of the Year Award.  The UK Experiential Education Awards Selection Committee will review applications based on the following areas: 

  • Has been a Course Sponsor to at least 1 UK student during the required term of January 2024 to December 2024. 
    • Provided learning outcomes and goals reflective of the student's career development.
    • Provided a course syllabus that outlined learning outcomes, goals, and critically reflective components of the student's experience and academic progress.
    • Provided scheduled meetings/course hours throughout the student's experience to help the student to navigate the experience and their academic progress.
    • Determined the student's midterm and final grades for the academic credit being earned.
  • Course Instrcutor has incorporated career development and NACE Career Readiness into their teaching and student advising.
  • Course Instructor actively seeks out partnerships with employers, graduate/professional programs, career services, and others who may provide internship, job, or graduate/professional school opportunities for students.
  • Course Instructor has shown evidence of successful efforts to expand the practice and/or philosophy of experiential education, such as serving as a mentor, role model or providing guidance to others in the field. 

Application Process & Timeline

  • Please complete the nomination form 
  • The deadline for nominations: December 20, 2024