Check out a few common questions about registering your student organization below. Have a question that isn't answered below? Email us at or come by and see us in the Gatton Student Center!
Organization Registration
What is the first step towards registering my organization?
Review the registration steps and required materials here.
Once I submit the online registration application, is my group registered?
No, all registration materials and steps must be completed for your student group to be officially registered. Once ALL steps are completed, we ask for 3-5 business days to complete the review of your registration request.
Who can be an advisor for my group?
Any regular, full-time UK faculty or staff member.
Is registration only online?
Yes, student organization registration is done through BBNvolved, the online hub for involvement at the University of Kentucky.
What are the University regulations and policies for Student Organizations?
Click here to find out about important policies for student organizations.
Do organizations have to re-register every year?
Yes, registration is only for one year and expires at the end of the Spring semester. Re-registration for the next academic year begins in April.
Do all registered student organizations automatically receive funding once they are registered?
No, funding is only available through the Student Government Association funding request process. For more details on the process, please visit
Getting Involved
Check out a few common questions about getting involved on campus below. Have a question that isn't answered below? Email one of our Involvement Advisors at or connect with an Involvement Advisor in the Center for Student Involvement (located in the Gatton Student Center)!
Where do I start to get involved?
This is a GREAT question! Getting involved on campus can feel overwhelming because there are so many ways to begin! A great first step is taking a look at BBNvolved. BBNvolved is the online hub for campus involvement. Use BBNvolved to: connect with student organizations, sign up for community service opportunities, learn about upcoming events, and more!
We also suggest meeting with an Involvement Advisor! Involvement Advisors are fellow students who want to learn more about your interests and help you get connected with organizations and opportunities that match your interests on campus. Request an appointment on BBNvolved here:
What programs and events can I attend?
Check out the events tab on BBNvolved for all upcoming events! Once you click into a BBNvolved event post, you will see a description of the event, when the event is taking place, what time the event begins and ends, who is invited, and more!