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Student Organization Finances

Check out the resources below for more information on registered student organization finances! Have any specific questions? Check out our student organization finances handbook!

Can't find the answer to your question? Email us at

Registered Student Organizations: Finances 101

Student Organization Budgeting

Many organizations find using a budget to be helpful to monitor fund use and plan for future events, initiatives and programs. A budget is an organization tool to plan, organize, and manage funds. Budgets are also required to apply for funding from SGA.

View an example budget template here! If you would like to use a this budget template, just save a copy to edit the document!

Bank Accounts

RSO’s may select a banking institution at their discretion! Bank accounts are not required for RSO’s. Banking institutions may have different requirements. To open an account, documents needed may include:

  • Federal Tax Identification Number (EIN) - issued by IRS.
  • Organization Constitution or Bylaws
  • Meeting Minutes Identifying Current Officers

Employer Identification Number

An EIN is similar to a social security number for your organization. RSOs are not permitted to use UK’s tax ID number, but they may seek to obtain their own EIN. Consider using your national organization’s EIN, if applicable. Visit and search EIN for the most current, one-time process.

Non-Profit Status

RSOs are not legal entities of the University. Organizations are responsible for their tax-related responsibilities. RSOs can apply to be considered a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization (501c3) by visiting the IRS Charity/Non-Profit website.

Finance Regulations in Constitutions

For continuity of finances, it is best practice to include detailed rules and regulations for organization finances in the organization’s constitution or by-laws.

Student Organization Funding and Fundraising

Check out the resources below for more information on how your registered student organization can get funding or fundraise! Have any specific questions? Check out our student organization finances handbook!

Can't find the answer to your question? Email us at

SGA Grant Funding

Registered student organizations are able to apply for funding through the UK Student Government Association. Organizations may apply for multiple grants to reach a combined maximum total of $2,000 per fiscal year. Interested in applying for SGA Grant Funding? Check out below for more information and their website to find out more about each grant and the process here


General Funding Grant

The General Funding Grant is used for any general expenses incurred by the organization, including, but not limited to, events, programming, supplies, or other org resources.

Service Grant

The Service Grant is intended for community service projects benefitting the UK or Kentucky community. This grant may also be used to host philanthropic events for the purpose of fundraising for a non-profit organization.

Beneficial services include, but are not limited to, mental, physical, or emotional wellness; academic success; sustainability; community engagement; basic needs; or animal care services.

Travel and Registration Grant

The Travel and Recruitment Grant may be used to attend conferences, seminars, or competitions. Organizations can receive funding for the event registration, travel, and lodging expenses up to the maximum grant amount. Conferences may pertain to academic research; professional networking; leadership development; community engagement; or club sports.

If the organization requests lodging expenses, UKSGA will only cover up to the per diem lodging rate of the city in question per person. Per diem rates can be found here


Recruitment Grant

This grant is designed to increase your organization's presence on campus through promotion to potential new members. This grant may cover tabling expenses, promotional items, and university-approved printing services. You may order the approved items you need from a list of approved vendors.

Registered Student Organization Fundraising

Check out some of the ways Registered Student Organizations can fundraise! Registered student organizations may fundraise however they would like as long as funds go to a non-profit (on or off-campus) or the organization itself.

Bake Sales

Restaurant Nights


Sell Crafts



Sell T-Shirts

Only certain registered student organizations, in accordance with Administrative Regulation 4:1, may utilize University of Kentucky at the beginning of their name. 

In addition, no registered student organization may reference the University of Kentucky in any way when creating or printing graphics, including but not limited to the following (unless previous approval was provided in writing): 

  • Utilizing words that may include (but are not limited to):
    • UK
    • U-K
    • U of K
    • University of Kentucky
    • Wildcats
  • Utilizing images that may include (but are not limited to):
    • Wildcat (in any iteration)
    • UK lockup
    • Embellishments to the UK lockup
    • A logo with UK wording included

If your group has previous approval to reference University of Kentucky when creating and printing graphics, please remember that only certain vendors may be used when printing merchandise to sell. Reach out to for questions!