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Checking your registration status

Use the tabs below to view what has been submitted and processed for your student organization's registration. If you do not see your student organization's name, that means that no form submissions have been received from your organization for the current academic year.

The dates in each column denote the date that the form was processed by a staff member from the Office of Student Organizations and Activities. Organizations registering through the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life or Club Sports will find a registration tracking document below as well.

Note that these documents are updated manually and do not update in sync with BBNvolved form submissions.  If you submit any materials after the time listed under "Document Last Updated" that means we may have received your submission on BBNvolved, but it has not yet been logged by the office. If you do not see a submission that you are expecting, please confirm that it was fully submitted on BBNvolved.

Contact with any questions or issues.

SOA RSO Registration Status

SSO Registration Status

FSL RSO Registration Status

Click the following link to view the FSL RSO/Chapter tracking sheet:

Club Sports RSO Registration Status

Click the following link to view the Club Sports RSO tracking sheet:

Understanding Registration Status Tracking Documents

Find out what each column means on each of the registration status tracking documents below. 

Registration Status Column


Your organization's registration has been approved on BBNvolved and you are officially registered with the university. An organization's registration will not be approved until each of the columns on the left have been completed.


Your organization's registration cannot be processed. Please refer to the comments on your registration submission for more information and to take next steps. Note that the only person who can see comments is the form submitter. Email us at with any questions.


Your registration form has been received by our office. If your registration is in this status, your organization may have outstanding requirements such as:

  • Some components are incomplete and/or need to be updated. These updates may include missing information, officer ineligibility, and more.
  • Your organization has outstanding forms and/or trainings that are required for registration.

Refer to the comments on your registration submission for more information and to take next steps. You can access your previous submission by clicking this link


Our office has not yet received or reviewed your registration form. Please check to ensure your registration has been successfully submitted.

Please allow for 3-5 business days for processing. 

Not Listed

We have not received any submissions from any of the three registration steps for your organization. Please review the registration steps here.  

Required Forms (all other columns)


The form has been received and logged.


Your required form has been received by our office. If your form requirement is in this status, your organization may have outstanding requirements such as:

  • Some components are incomplete and/or need to be updated. This may mean not all required organization members and/or advisors have submitted the form, the form may include missing information, and more.

Please refer to your organization's registration requirements for more information. 


If your organization has submitted the registration form but has not yet fulfilled the additional registration requirements such as the Organization Training and Advisor CSA, a status of "No" will indicate that these additional requirements need to be completed.


Please review the registration requirements here