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Talkspace offers asynchronous messaging and live sessions with your therapist, as well as self-guided tools you can access anytime.

Get matched with a therapist today at no cost to you. 

Get started with Talkspace today!


As a benefit for our students, the University of Kentucky has partnered with Talkspace: Self-Guided Therapy to offer each student a subscription to their app at no cost to you!

With Talkspace: Self-Guided, you can expect a suite of guided counseling programs, live classes, and mental health tools created by their team of therapists and backed in decades of research. After a short initial assessment, programs will be recommended to you based on your responses. Programs include, but are not limited to, topics like burnout, body image, work stress, parenting, relationships, and more! 

Fully Online
Hours of Operation

24 hours a day, seven days a week

Download the App

Download the Talkspace: Self-Guided app from the Apple Store or Google Play Store

  • Open the app
  • Click Next
  • Create an account by adding in an email address and password
  • Click Yes that you received a code through an organization
  • Add Org code (uky) into the field where it says ‘Code’ and click Next
  • You've successfully created an account under your UK plan!

Download on the App Store

Get it on Google Play

Talkspace app dashboard

Talkspace Self-Guided Video

You can view an informational 3-minute video that touches on a high-level overview of the program, the registration process, and more.


Talkspace is not a part of the University of Kentucky's student health and well-being program. You may choose to discontinue use of the application at any time consistent with the Headspace Terms and Conditions. Links to websites outside the University of Kentucky are provided solely as a convenience for those students who choose to utilize them and for informational purposes, and the University of Kentucky is not responsible for any content posted on those websites. All content viewed or provided by a user is subject to any policies and terms and conditions of those websites. By accessing those external websites, you acknowledge sole responsibility and assume all risk arising from access or use of those websites and associated services.