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Campus Recreation

Providing quality recreation and wellness programs and services that support student success and promote healthy lifestyles.

Counseling Center

Offering groups, workshops, and counseling to support student's growth and assist students with mental health.

Disability Resource Center

Providing services so students with disabilities have an opportunity to fully participate in all aspects of university life.

POWER (Prevention, Outreach, and Wellness Education Resources)

Prevention, Outreach, and Wellness Education Resources is a new Student Success unit positioned as an easily accessible one-stop location providing educational opportunities focused on promoting healthy behaviors among students.

TRACS (Triage, Referral, and Crisis Support)

TRACS (Triage, Referral, Assistance and Crisis Support) is a physical and virtual one-stop shop where students can come for a quick referral to support services or receive direct clinical support for a range of mental health needs and crises.

VIP Center

Serving students who have been impacted by sexual or gender based interpersonal violence.