Request a Presentation
We are so excited about your interest in having a Dean of Students staff member Present to your group. We would be more than happy to present one of our existing presentations or a new topic. Our existing presentations are listed below. Please review the list of existing presentations and complete the presentation request form. All requests must be submitted at least two weeks in advance from the desired date of the presentation. Also please note that new presentation topic requests may need longer preparation time.
Request a Presentation
Please complete the form to request a presentation for your group.
Presentations Available
Conflict Management
Learn some essential conflict management skills, equipping you with techniques to navigate disagreements, foster understanding, and achieve productive resolutions in diverse personal and professional settings.
The Benefits of Living on Campus
Discover the advantages of on-campus living as we explore how it fosters a supportive environment, enhances student engagement, and contributes to academic success.
What are Living Learning Programs?
Uncover the essence of Living Learning Programs in this session, where we delve into their role in creating immersive educational experiences that integrate academics with residential life.
BBNvoled 101: How to Get Involved on Campus
Come learn how we utilize BBNVOLVED to engage students on our campus. This presentation will expose you to the platform students use to register their organizations, register events and connect with their peers.
Fraternity and Sorority Life Basics
What are all of those letters and acronyms? This presentation will provide a broad overview of terminology and the four governing councils within Fraternity and Sorority Life at UK.
CBFO’S: Understanding Culturally Based Student Organizations
Culturally Based Fraternal Organizations or CBFOs at the University of Kentucky are housed within the National Pan-Hellenic Council and the United Greek Council. This presentation will expose you to the rich history of these organizations and the benefits they provide our students at UK.
Restorative Justice Training
Engage in transformative conflict resolution and healing through our Restorative Justice Training, designed to empower individuals and groups within the university community to foster understanding, repair harm, and build stronger relationships.
Navigating Classroom Challenges: Strategies for Supporting Students with Disruptive Behavior
Discover effective tools and compassionate approaches designed to provide guidance on fostering a positive and inclusive learning environment while addressing and assisting students facing challenging behavioral situations that impact classroom dynamics."
Code of Student Conduct: Student Rights and Responsibilities
Description if we use the new name: Learn to navigate the landscape of student rights and responsibilities, delving into the intricacies of student rights, behavior expectations and outlining potential violations to foster a respectful and inclusive university community.
Place, time, Manner: First Amendment & Free Speech
Unveil the complexities of free speech within the university setting, fostering a nuanced understanding of the rights, responsibilities, and challenges that shape open dialogue on campus.
Family Involvement on Campus
Learn how families connected to students at the University of Kentucky can get involved and engage with the UK community throughout the year.
Community of Concern
The Dean of Students Office facilitates a threat assessment and behavior management committee designed to engage expert colleagues across campus to assist in managing potential threats to members of our campus community. In this session, learn the process that the CoC committee engages in to assist in keeping members of our campus community safe.