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Photo of Dr. Leah Vance-Berg
Gatton Student Center C249

Dr. Leah Vance-Berg is a Senior Program Advisor for First-Generation Student Services. She is originally from White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia where she grew up on her family's small farm. Dr. Leah is a first-generation college graduate. She attended Potomac State College of West Virginia University where she earned an Associate's degree and West Virginia University where she completed a Bachelor's degree both in Agriculture and Extension Education. After graduating from WVU, Dr. Leah attended the University of Kentucky where she completed a Masters in Community and Leadership Development with research focusing on first-generation female students from Appalachia. Dr. Leah taught high school Agriculture at her home high school in West Virginia for a year and a half before returning to UK to pursue a doctorate in Higher Education and Policy studies. Her dissertation research focused on first-generation graduate students.