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EXP Enrollment Process

Step 1 - Academic Advisor

Students are to meet with their Academic Advisor to discuss if EXP is the correct course section for the experience, if a student will choose a letter grade or pass/fail, and how many credits the student will want to request:

  • Determine the number of credit hours a student can earn from an experience.

    • Time used to complete training, job responsibilities, and meetings with the employer.

      • 1 credit hour (48 field hours), 2 credit hours (96 field hours), and so on per credit hour.

    • If the EXP course will take a student over 19 credit hours the student will need a max override from their Academic Advisor before they can be enrolled.

    • EXP 397 is a 1 credit hour course at a full-time status for pass/fail only. Students cannot be enrolled in other courses if enrolled in EXP 397.

    • Review if the student for holds on their account.

If students choose to receive a letter grade, they must receive academic department approval. Students will need to complete the online EXP Academic Department Letter Grade Approval Form. Link to this form is provided once they complete their Handshake Learning Contract.

Step 2 - Financial Aid Counselor

Students are to review with their Financial Aid Counselor if there will be any issues for a student to gain credit for their experience, how a pass/fail will affect scholarships/grants or if the student will choose to be enrolled for the summer or winter terms.

  • Students should be registered for 12 academic credit hours for their fall and spring terms to maintain their financial aid status until they are enrolled into the EXP course section.

Step 3 - Student Account Services

EXP Courses have the same fees as a regular course at UK. Students will be responsible for the course fee assigned. If a student has questions about course fees they can contact Student Account Services.

Step 4 - Schedule an Appointment with the Office of Experiential Education

Students will use Handshake and choose appointment type "EXP Courses- Earning Academic Credit-Stuckert Career Center."

  • An Experiential Education team member will help advise and process the EXP requirements and enrollment.

Step 5 - Find an EXP Sponsor

Students are recommended to find a UK Faculty member within their academic college to be their EXP Sponsor. The EXP Sponsor will meet with the student for discussions throughout the semester and is an accountability partner during the experience (Students should inform the Office of Experiential Education if they have issues with finding an EXP Sponsor.) An EXP Sponsor must have faculty status at UK (have taught a registered course at UK):

  • Potential EXP Sponsors can contact our Experiential Education team with questions and request to be added to the EXP Sponsor Lounge in Canvas at

  • Students will need to email who their EXP Sponsor will be.

Step 6 - Meet with the EXP Sponsor Two Times Before Completing the Handshake Learning Contract

First Meeting

  • This meeting should occur before the student completes their Handshake Learning Contract.

  • This meeting is intended to learn more about the student and the experience.

    • The student should process with the EXP Sponsor what their current major is, what their career goals are, and how this experience will enhance their classroom experience, their resume, and future career goals.

    • Review the experience (start date, training, end date, or experience requirements)

    • Determine what academic assignments would best fit for the student to critically review their experience and the credit hours they are requesting. EXP Sponsor Assignments for Academic Credit

      • Do not include an experience reflection as an Academic assignment, as the students are required to complete a Common Reflection. EXP Sponsors will receive a copy of the student's submitted Common Reflection before prep-week.

    • Determine how the student will keep their EXP Sponsor informed of their progress through the term.

    • Determine if the student will need to schedule a meeting with Office of Experiential Education for additional guidance.

    • Determine if the student will need a grade type change. Process to Request a Letter Grade

    • Review EXP requirements (EXP Required Common Reflection, EXP Required Recorded Field Hours, Student Midterm Survey, Student End of Experience Survey).

Second Meeting

  • This meeting should occur before the student completes their Handshake Learning Contract.

  • This meeting is to finalize the syllabus and Learning Contract details.

    • Review syllabus and deadline dates

      • EXP Sponsor is to submit their finalized syllabus to

      • EXP Sponsor is to give the student a copy of their final syllabus.

      • EXP Sponsor will post a copy of the syllabus in their Canvas course.

    • Review learning outcomes and goals

    • Review if the course Canvas shell will be used

    • Schedule Mid-term meeting (Posting mid-term grade)

    • Schedule End of Term meeting (Complete before prep-week)

    • Review when the student will complete the Learning Contract in Handshake

Step 7 - Complete the Handshake Learning Contract

Student Steps to Complete a Learning Contract in Handshake - Should only occur after meeting with their EXP Sponsor. Complete form after obtaining the below information, and this is recommended to be completed with your EXP Sponsor knowledge.

  • Open Handshake Account

  • Choose “Career Center” tab

  • Choose “Experiences” tab

  • Choose “Request an Experience”

  • Under "Experience Type" template- choose EXP (Course Number)- Do not choose a cohort.

    • If the student chooses the wrong template, then they will be asked to delete the current template and create a new Learning Contract with the correct template

  • Choose a Term- Spring/Summer/Fall/Winter and Year

  • Name of employer/organization (contact information)-

  • Name of EXP Sponsor- (name, phone, and email)

  • Name of Site Supervisor (Employee of the employer that will verify your field hours completed.)- (name, phone, and email)

  • Position title- Tutor/Ambassador/Peer Mentor/Participant/other

  • Department-

  • Pay/Salary- Student Salary (amount-hourly/monthly/stipend)

  • Job type (internship, experiential education, coop, fellowship, Volunteer/Community Service, or other)-

  • Duration (time frame)- August to December/December to January/January to May/May to August

  • Pre-Experience Evaluation (page 1)

  • Learning Contract Specific Questions (page 2)

    • Course Credit (Decided by your Academic Advisor)-

    • Course Grade Type (Decided by by your Academic Advisor (Pass/Fail or Letter)-

    • Scheduled Mid-term and End of Term Review Meeting dates with EXP Sponsor (End of Term should occur before prep-week)-

    • Academic Assignments (Academic assignments should be equivalent to the credit hours being requested and assigned by the EXP Sponsor.)-

    • Job Description/Responsibilities (What the student will be doing for the employer.)-

    • Online Modality or Traditional-

    • EXP Academic Requirements Agreement (Common Reflection, Recorded Field Hours, and Evaluations)

    • Verify they have either met with a Team Member from the Office of Experiential Education or EXP Cohort Sponsor.

  • COVID-19 Statement of Risk (page 3)

Approval Process

Before a student can be enrolled a copy of the approved syllabus must be on file with the Office of Experiential Education. After a student completes the Learning Contract in Handshake and the syllabus has been received:

  • An Experiential Education team member will be alerted by Handshake that the Learning Contract is ready to be reviewed

  • The Learning Contract will be reviewed by an Experiential Education team member

    • If there are edits that need to occur the Experiential Education team member will message the student through Handshake

      • If the student has19 credits already enrolled, the student will need a Max Override from their Academic Advisor before enrollment can occur. Students will need to email expblue@uky.eduwhen this is complete.

      • If a student has a hold on their account, they will need to rectify the hold before enrollment can occur. Students will need to email expblue@uky.eduwhen this is complete.

    • If there are no edits to be made, then the Experiential Education team member will push the Learning Contract forward to the EXP Sponsor/Site Supervisor for review:

      • The EXP Sponsor/Site Supervisor will receive an e-mail from Handshake to review and approve.

      • Once all approvals are complete, the Experiential Education team member will be alerted by Handshake that the Learning Contract is ready for enrollment.

    • An Experiential Education team member will issue the overrides for the appropriate course section and request enrollment with the Registrar (typically takes 48 business hours).

    • Students will be added automatically to the course section Canvas shell. The EXP Sponsor will activate the Canvas shell for the student(s) if they will have access.

    • An Experiential Education team member will provide confirmation of enrollment through Handshake and they will see their course enrollment in their myUK.

      • If a student is being enrolled into EXP 397 and they are currently enrolled in other UK courses, then they will need to work with their Academic Advisor to drop the additional classes.

    • An Experiential Education team member will add the student to the "EXP Student Orientation Canvas" course. This Canvas shell will provide documents and guidance as they are enrolled in an EXP course.

Start Experience

  • It is up to the student to complete their academic and career/work assignments, check-in with their EXP Sponsor/Site Supervisor on their progress, complete their EXP Evaluations (as prompted), submit the EXP Common Reflection, and Recorded Field Hours Form before prep week.

  • If a student decides to drop/withdraw from their experience or change their credit hours, the student is to process with their EXP Sponsor. The EXP Sponsor is to contact the Office of Experiential Education ( one email outlining the plan for moving forward as soon as possible to begin the request process with the Registrar's office and to update or close the Handshake Learning Contract.

Mid-Term of Experience

  • Students will complete the EXP Mid-term Evaluation during mid-terms. This is an online Qualtrics form that can be found in the EXP Student Orientation- Canvas course.

  • Student will meet with their EXP Sponsor to process their mid-term grade.

End of Term of Experience

  • Students will meet with their EXP Sponsor to process their academic assignment completion and final grading options.

  • Students will complete the EXP Common Reflection the week before prep-week. This is an online Qualtrics form that can be found in the EXP Student Orientation- Canvas course. Students will answer the questions online. A copy will be sent to their EXP Sponsor.

  • Students will complete the EXP Recorded Field Hours the week before prep-week. This is an online Qualtrics form that can be found in the EXP Student Orientation- Canvas course. Students will provide their Site Supervisor information and hours completed. A copy will be sent to their Site Supervisor to digitally sign.

  • Students will complete the EXP End of Term Evaluation the week before prep-week. This is an online Qualtrics form that can be found in the EXP Student Orientation- Canvas course. Students will answer the questions online.

What is Academic vs. Non-credit?

An academic experience means that you will be seeking credit through a UK EXP 396/397/510/650 course - through the Stuckert Career Center or an academic department, such as PS 399, COM 399, PSY 399, B&E 396/397, ENG Co-Op. You will complete a Handshake Learning Contract, obtain a UK sponsor, receive department approval, enroll in a UK course, complete field hours and academic assignments, and receive a grade. 

How do I receive EXP academic credit?

Once you have an offer and have decided that you would like to earn the credit you can schedule an appointment with the Experiential Education team in Handshake by choosing the appointment type “EXP Courses- Earning Academic Credit- Stuckert Career Center”. 

Credit-Bearing Experience

The employer specifies whether the student must register for academic credit or whether the student may choose to register for academic credit. 

Course Options for Academic Credit

To receive academic credit, you may choose to register for EXP 396 offered through the Stuckert Experiential Education office or, depending on your major, your department may offer a 399 course that might be a better choice. Check with your academic advisor to determine which credit option is the most advantageous for you!