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Academic Accommodations

Letter of Accommodation

The DRC approves academic accommodations for qualified students with documented disabilities that interfere with the student's ability to have equal access to the educational process. Students engage in an interactive process with a DRC consultant about their specific situation and if they would qualify for academic accommodations. The consultant will determine the appropriate academic accommodations and generate a Letter of Accommodation (LOA), listing these accommodations to be presented to the course instructor. This LOA is valid for one semester. For many DRC students, the LOA can be generated through our online Accommodation Letter portal. In some instances, students will not be able to download their letter from the online portal and will need to contact their consultant. Only the accommodations stated within the LOA have been approved as appropriate. The letter will be valid for the current academic year. A captioned video illustrating the process can be viewed by following this link.

Presenting the Accommodation to Faculty

The DRC encourages students to get their Letter of Accommodation and present it to faculty as early in the semester as possible. This will allow for time to adequately plan the course activities for the semester. The DRC recommends setting up an appointment with the faculty member or visiting the faculty during office hours to discuss how your accommodations will be addressed during the semester. Students can provide their letter at any time during the semester, but accommodations are not retroactive. Accommodations may not be applied to course activities prior to the date the LOA is presented to the instructor. If testing accommodations are required, an agreement should be reached as to whether the testing will be provided in the department or through the DRC Accommodated Test Proctoring Center. Testing accommodations listed in the LOA do not necessarily entitle the student to utilize the Accommodated Test Proctoring Center, as faculty are encouraged to find appropriate testing environments in their department area. Students must give faculty adequate notice of at least 7 business days of the need for a testing accommodation, so that the accommodation can be arranged. Should there be issues or questions regarding accommodations, the student or instructor can contact the DRC consultant for clarification or assistance.

Flexibility with Attendance & Due Dates

Flexibility Accommodations

Please watch this brief video explaining flexibility accommodations -

What does Flexibility with Attendance entail?

This accommodation is designed to provide a student with extension of the attendance policy due to an exacerbation of disability symptoms. The number of missed classes is determined collaboratively by the DRC, Faculty Member, and Student. A signed agreement confirms all agree to the terms of this accommodation, which may vary based on individual students and course structure.

What is the process?

First, follow the standard process for requesting your accommodations letter and informing your instructor of your accommodations. This process is available at .

Key Points:

  • Flexibility accommodations begin after you meet with your instructor and complete the flexibility agreement with both you and your instructor’s signature.
    • Your DRC Consultant must also sign for the accommodation to take effect. Send your signed copy to your DRC Consultant.
  • Your accommodation letter confirms that you are eligible for these accommodations. Instructors do not need any additional information concerning your diagnosis or medical information.
  • Instructors need reasonable notice to set up exam accommodations, which is considered at least 7 working days. Without reasonable notice, they may deny your accommodations on an exam.
  • Any revisions of your accommodations must be discussed with your Consultant in the Disability Resource Center.
  • This accommodation also includes the provision to allow students to reschedule an exam due to a sudden exacerbation of symptoms directly related to their disability.
  • Students have a responsibility to use this accommodation when necessary and not abuse it. In some cases, further documentation of the student’s condition may be required by the DRC.

While students are expected to follow established classroom policies, there are disabilities with unpredictable or cyclical acute episodes which support flexibility with attendance policy as an appropriate accommodation.

Does flexibility with attendance mean attendance policies do not apply to me?

Attendance policies still apply. This accommodation requires the instructor to consider the function of attendance for a particular class and make a reasonable decision for the requirement. For some classes (ex., primarily lecture-based classes), attendance may not be as essential, and more leniency can be made. However, in a seminar class, lab, field trip, or class where group projects are completed or active participation is required, attendance becomes an essential function of the class, and absences will interfere with the student’s (and their classmates’) educational experience.

What do I do if the faculty member does not provide me with flexibility with the attendance policy or I do not agree with the flexibility offered?
Discuss this with your DRC Consultant, this accommodation is unique for each individual student and determinations will be made on a case-by-case basis. The DRC Consultant will collaborate with the student and instructor in making a decision.

When should I talk with my faculty about this accommodation?

This accommodation is intended to be discussed early in the semester between students and faculty and negotiate a plan.

Flexibility with Due Dates FAQ

What does Flexibility with Due Dates entail?

This accommodation is designed to provide a student with the ability to submit assignments past the scheduled submission date due to their disability without academic penalty. The amount of additional time offered is based on assignment type and the reasonableness of the accommodation.

How is Flexibility with Due Dates determined?

This accommodation is determined collaboratively with the Faculty Member, Student, and DRC. A signed agreement confirms all parties agree to the terms of this accommodation, which may vary based on individual students and courses.

What do I do if the faculty member does not provide me with flexibility with due dates?

Discuss this with your DRC Consultant. Some assignments may not be appropriate for this accommodation. This accommodation is unique for each individual student and course. Determinations will be made on a case-by-case basis.

Key Points:

  • Students are required to meet with faculty members to discuss this accommodation and to create a signed flexibility agreement between the student and faculty.
  • When this accommodation is needed, the student should notify the instructor of their intent to use the accommodation in accordance with the flexibility agreement signed by the student and instructor.
  • The instructor reserves the right to request the student submit their work-to-date when utilizing their Flexibility with Due Date accommodation.
  • This accommodation is intended to be discussed early in the semester between students and faculty and negotiate a plan.
  • This accommodation cannot be utilized retroactively for missed assignments prior to a signed faculty agreement.
  • This accommodation will not take effect until a signed agreement has been completed.

Students have a responsibility to use this accommodation when necessary and not abuse it.

File Attachment: 

 Flexibility with Attendance and Rescheduling Exam Agreement

 Flexibility with Due Dates Agreement