Julie Bradley, MA, PCC
Associate Director of Integrated Success Coaching
Julie Bradley, MA, PCC
Associate Director of Integrated Success Coaching, Integrated Success Coach & Coach Trainer
About Julie:
Julie Bradley grew up on a farm in the beautiful small town of Somerset, Ohio, but has loved living in Lexington since 2006. Julie earned their BS from Ohio University in Education/Special Education and their MA from The Ohio State University in Special Education. Julie is also a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) and trainer through the International Coaching Federation. In addition, Julie holds certifications in Gallup Strengths Coaching, Academic Life Coaching, Cognitive Behavior Coaching, Appreciative Advising, KORU Mindfulness Instruction, and DiSC Coaching. Julie is currently the Director of Coaching and an Integrated Success Coach specializing in neurodiversity in the Department of Transformative Learning.
Prior job that shaped them:
Before working at UK, Julie worked at the HBCU (Historical Black College and University), Kentucky State University (KYSU). Julie’s work at KYSU gave them a unique opportunity to learn from many different underrepresented populations and led them to assist in creating the START (STEM Through Authentic Research and Training) program here at UK. The START program provides near-peer mentorship and coaching to underrepresented high school students in STEM and gives students access to STEM experiential learning opportunities on UK’s campus.
How they describe themself: volunteer, helper, dessert lover, entrepreneur, learner
What they enjoy doing outside of work: Julie loves to do anything that involves hanging out with family, especially their spouse and three kids. Currently, their favorite thing to do together is pick a really bad television show and point out all the plot holes!
A goal in life: To write a book.
Fun fact: Julie’s favorite hobby is twofold: one, Julie loves to flip vintage items on eBay, and two, Julie loves to talk about flipping vintage items on eBay!
Julie's Certifications / Professional Affiliations / Awards:
International Coach Federation Professional Certified Coach
Certified University of Kentucky Integrated Success Coach
Disc Coach
Gallup Strengths Coach
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Certified, Cornell University
Koru Mindfulness Instructor
Certified Appreciative Advisor (Life)
Certified Academic Life Coach
Certified Cognitive Behavior Coach
Certified Applied Neuroscience Coach
2022 Commission for Academic Support in Higher Education ACPA 2022 Award for Innovative Academic Support Initiative
Tuck, M.; Palomino, K.; Bradley, J.; Mohr-Schroeder, M.; Bradley, L. A Coaching-Based Training for Underrepresented Mentors in STEM. Educ. Sci. 2025, 15(3), 289; https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci15030289. https://www.mdpi.com/2227-7102/15/3/289
Bradley, J., Tuck, M., Reynolds, M., Bradley, L. (2024). Creating an Integrated Coaching Culture in Higher Education. Journal of Appreciative Education, 11, 15-24. https://libjournal.uncg.edu/jae/article/view/2396
Bradley, J., & Reynolds, M., (2021). Appreciative Academic Coaching. Journal of Appreciative Education, 7, 15-21. http://libjournal.uncg.edu/jae/article/view/2054
Bradley, Luke, et al. (2021). STEM Through Authentic Research and Training for Underrepresented Communities: Adapting to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of STEM Education, 4(4). https://bit.ly/JSOBradley