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Peer Accountability Communities (PAC) offer highly engaging, 90-minute weekly sessions where students can set goals, work on assignments, prepare for exams, and preview upcoming classes. These guided sessions provide an opportunity to work independently or in small groups. Each session includes a "Success Nugget" tip, equipping students with practical strategies to enhance their academic success. Additionally, PAC is connected with UK Invest, an academic service that offers financial benefits to participants.

Various on-campus locations
Hours of Operation

See table for specific dates and times.

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Complete Interest Form


Time Location PAC Leader Day of the Week Category
6:00 PM Woodland Glenn IV Hall Ainsley Byers Monday Anybody
4:00 PM CARES First-Gen (McVey Learning Lab) Nidhi Patel Tuesday Anybody
10:00 AM College of Nursing Building Room 102 Kennedy Fitzpatrick Wednesday Anybody
7:00 PM Pigman Hall Colton Dalton Wednesday Anybody
4:00 PM Hilary J. Boone Center (104) Nidhi Patel Wednesday Anybody
7:00 PM Chellgren Hall (Third Floor Conference Room)  Sarah Welp Thursday Anybody
4:00 PM Hilary J. Boone Center (104) Kayla Woods Thursday Anybody
6:00 PM   Marissa Harris Thursday Anybody
UK Invests

This service qualifies for UK Invests. By attending and checking in, you can earn money for your account.

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