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Articles for the Advising Network outline the structure of the Advising Network and include by-laws used in governing the organization.

Article I - Name

The name of this organization shall be the University of Kentucky Advising Network.

Article II - Purpose

The UK Advising Network promotes the quality of advising at the University of Kentucky and to support the professional growth of advisors. The Network facilitates cooperation and exchange of information among units who perform advising functions through training, professional development opportunities and maintaining a community of support and collaboration.

The Advising Network is available to provide sound proposals and commentary regarding University policies and procedures which are directly related to the advising and counseling of students and to the practices of student success.

To be inclusive, the Advising Network maintains close working relationships with campus partners.  The Advising Network will operate autonomously and in the best interest of the advising community. 

The UK Advising Network is an institutional member of NACADA, the Global Community for Academic Advising. 

Article III - Membership

Full membership in the Advising Network shall be open to all individuals employed at the University of Kentucky. This includes, but is not limited to: academic, career, program, and transfer advisors, faculty members, administrators, counselors, and others whose interests and work are related to student success. These members shall be eligible to vote and hold office.

Employees of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS), for example, the Bluegrass Community and Technical College (BCTC), as well as Graduate Assistants and Teaching Assistants at the University of Kentucky, shall be welcomed as associate members. Associate members can participate in meetings and events but cannot vote or hold office.

Membership shall be established by registration with the Communication Coordinator.

Article IV - Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall have the following responsibilities:

  1. Develop and approve annual events calendar.
  2. Create a budget and request appropriations.
  3. Oversee elections to University Senate Standing Committees.
  4. Oversee appointments to University Senate Standing Committees upon request.
  5. Respond to critical issues as they arise and present to the membership when appropriate.

The Advising Network Executive Committee shall include the following members:

  1. Chair
  2. Chair-Elect
  3. Immediate Past-Chair
  4. Communications Coordinator
  5. Events Coordinator
  6. Professional Development Coordinator
  7. Awards Coordinator
  8. Philanthropy Coordinator

The duties and responsibilities of the members of the Executive Committee are:

1. Chair

  1. Preside over and plan all Advising Network and Executive Committee meetings.
  2. Oversee all Advising Network business.
  3. Call meetings of the Executive Committee.
  4. Appoint members to standing and ad hoc committees as needed.
  5. Serve as or identify a liaison to the Provost Committee on Advising.
  6. Serve as an ex officio member of all standing and ad hoc committees.
  7. Review and prepare annual budget.
  8. Represent the Advising Network at University functions.
  9. Represent the Advising Network to the University administration.
  10. Prepare annual report for the Advising Network. 

2. Chair-Elect

  1. Watch and learn.
  2. Perform duties of the Chair in the absence of the Chair.
  3. Represent the Advising Network at University functions.
  4. Chair Elections Committee.

3. Immediate Past Chair

  1. Serve as advisor to the Executive Committee and Chair.
  2. One- year appointment to University Senate Committee on Academic Advising.
  3. Serve as advisor to the Awards Committee.

4.  Communication Coordinator

  1. Send a weekly digest of announcements to the Advising Network listserv.
  2. Send time-sensitive announcements to the Advising Network Listserv separate from the weekly digest.
  3. Alert UKPR with stories for UKnow (i.e. Ken Freedman Day of Recognition)
  4. Maintain webpages related to the Advising Network, e.g. update Executive Committee information and events calendar annually.
  5. Update social media accounts with information relevant to advising.
  6. Maintain current membership information. 
  7. Prepare annual report for the Chair.

6.  Events Coordinator

  1. Work with university staff to reserve space for Executive Committee meetings, general membership meetings, special events, or other related Advising Network events.
  2. Confirm technology needs for meetings and secure necessary equipment to set-up at each meeting.
  3. Collect and combine presentation materials for meetings. Connect with the Communications Coordinator to share materials with membership or other stakeholders.
  4. Collaborate with Chair to request funds related to meetings. Examples include but are not limited to venue expenses, technology rentals, catering, meeting supplies, etc.  
  5. Prepare annual report for the Chair.

7. Professional Development Coordinators

  1. Plan and coordinate campus professional development opportunities.
  2. Appoint a professional development committee, if needed, in consultation with the Executive Committee.
  3. Promote deadlines for professional network opportunities like state, regional, national and international conferences.
  4. Serve as a resource for connecting members across campus on shared professional development opportunities.
  5. Prepare annual report for the chair.

8. Awards Coordinator

  1. Chair and appoint awards committee to select the award winners of the Ken Freedman Day of Recognition.
  2. Collect and put forward Ken Freedman Day of Recognition award winners to all levels of  NACADA awards.
  3. Collect nominations for the weekly advisor recognition for the digest.
  4. Prepare annual report for the chair.

9.  Philanthropy Coordinator

  1. Represent the Advising Network and communicate with non-profit organizations for philanthropy and community service events and initiatives. 
  2. Coordinate the non-profit charity for the Advising Network Winter Breakfast in collaboration with the Chair. 
  3. Coordinate a community service activity for the ken Freedman Day of Serivce in collaboration with the Chair. 
  4. Plan and coordinate additional community service events and opportunities for Advising Network members throughout the year. 
  5. Prepare annual report for the chair.

Article V - Elections

  1. Candidates must be registered members of the Advising Network.
  2. Elections will be held in April by a majority vote of the members voting.
  3. Terms of office will be July 1-June 30.
  4. Terms of office for the Chair-Elect, Chair, and Past Chair shall be one year each, with the same person serving as Chair-Elect, Chair, and then Past Chair for a total of three years rotating through the different offices. The Professional Development Coordinators (two people) shall be staggered two-year terms. Other coordinator positions shall be one-year terms.
  5. Holders of the coordinator offices may succeed themselves.
  6. Should a coordinator position become vacant, the Chair, in consultation with the Executive Committee, will appoint a replacement for the remainder of the term.  Should the Chair position become vacant, the Chair-Elect will fulfill the remainder of the vacant chair term as well the term for which they were elected.
  7. Annual nominations are to be submitted by late spring.
  8. Executive Committee members may be removed for cause by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee or by a two-thirds vote of the Advising Network membership present at a regular meeting.
  9. An individual may only serve in one elected position at a time.

Article VI - Elected Representatives

  1. Elections will be held to provide Advising Network representation on the following University Senate standing committees:  
    • Academic Advising (two elected representatives; three-year, staggered terms; Immediate Past Chair will be appointed for a one-year term)
    • Admissions and Academic Standards (one representative; three-year term)
    • Undergraduate Council (one representative; three-year term)
    • UK Core (one representative; three-year term)
    • Retroactive Withdrawal (one representative; three-year term)
  2. A member of the Executive Committee can also serve on one University Senate Committee.
  3. At any one time, a member can only serve on one University Senate Committee mentioned above.
  4. Should an elected representative position become vacant, the Chair, in consultation with the Executive Committee, will appoint a replacement for the remainder of the term.

Article VII - Standing Committees

  1. Awards Committee: Awards Coordinator plus five voting members from at least three different campus units, including the most recent recipients of the UK Ken Freedman Outstanding Professional and Faculty Advisor Awards. Committee appointed by the Awards Coordinator who is a non-voting member.
  2. Professional Development Committee: comprised of 3-5 members representing at least three separate units.  Committee appointed by Professional Development Coordinators.
  3. Elections Committee: oversee election process to include a) nomination solicitation, b) ballot preparation, distribution, and collection, and c) vote counting.  Chair-elect will appoint committee members representing separate campus units. 

Article VIII - Meetings

  1. Meetings shall be held on a regular basis during the academic year and are open to members and the general university community.
  2. Special meetings may be called by the Executive Committee or by request of an Advising Network member.
  3. Members in attendance at meetings shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting official business.

Article IX – Amendments

  1. Bylaw review is at the request of the Executive Committee by an ad hoc committee appointed by the chair.
  2. Amendments to the Bylaws may be ratified by a two-thirds of voting members, provided notice of proposed amendments is given to members in writing at least two weeks prior to voting.

Adopted July 2003; revised August 2005, March 2018, December 2018, February 2020, and December 2023.