Students registered with the DRC for academic accommodations may receive various accommodations related to testing. Faculty are encouraged to make arrangements for students' accommodations in the department; however, if there is not space or personnel available, accommodated test proctoring is available through the DRC. Instructors who need to schedule an exam with the Disability Resource Center (DRC) can do so by completing the Online Accommodated Test Request Form. The availability of resources, such as the exam room, time, and location, may vary from one exam to another. However, the Disability Resource Center is committed to ensuring that all accommodations are provided appropriately and effectively to meet students' needs.
Accommodated Test Proctoring Services
UK Students
- Request services through the DRC.
- Meet with a DRC consultant.
- Discuss accommodation options and determine eligibility.
- If you are a returning student and have completed steps 1-3, request accommodations for each course using your AIM Student Portal. This information will be sent to the AIM Instructor Portal, where instructors can view students' Instructor Notification Letters.
- At a minimum, students must request accommodations 7 business days or more prior to the coming exam or quiz to ensure proper implementation of their accommodations. During this time, students are also encouraged to meet with each instructor to discuss their accommodation needs and address any necessary considerations.
If you receive testing accommodations, coordinate with your instructor to schedule your exams or quizzes in their office or department. If your needs can be met within this setting, it is considered sufficient.
The DRC Testing Center serves as a backup option when an instructor is unable to accommodate your needs.
Exam Arrangements
- If you and your instructor schedule your exam, take your exam as scheduled.
- If your instructor requests assistance through the DRC Testing Center, you will find the details of your exam on the DRC Exam Schedule. Schedules are posted 3-4 days prior to the scheduled exam date. The student is advised to check the schedule the night before their exam to ensure no changes have occurred.
- The current exam schedule can be accessed using the online DRC Accommodated Exam Schedule.
- A list of classes and students for whom the DRC has received scheduling requests can be accessed through the online DRC Received Exam Request Class List.
Please note, the list is by course. If a student is listed for one course, that does not mean the DRC has received a request for all of that student’s classes.
Emails should be sent to or call 859-257-2754
DRC Testing Service Policies
- A space will be scheduled to meet individual accommodation needs. Please note that distraction-free environments are not possible; ambient noises will be present. Due to DRC resource availability, some resources may vary from exam to exam: exam room, exam time, exam location, and so on. The DRC Testing Center will ensure that all accommodations are met and provided in an adequate manner.
- Students should arrive a minimum of 5 minutes before the scheduled exam time.
- Students are required to bring a physical photo ID, such as a driver's license, state-issued ID, student ID, or passport.
- Not every exam will be scheduled in the same room/location.
- Students should bring all necessary auxiliary aids to their accommodated exam.
- Exam proctors will not allow phones or other electronic devices into the testing room.
- Students should expect to receive the specific testing accommodations stated in their accommodation letters during a test.
- Exam times will be arranged as close to the class’s exam time as possible OR during the time the DRC has available resources.
- Allowances cannot be made for jobs, extracurricular activities, projects, etc.
- If an exam time overlaps with an internship‚ TA position‚ or other mandatory academic position, documentation must be provided to the testing coordinator and the student’s instructor at the beginning of the semester.
- If a student feels that they require additional testing accommodations for those listed on their accommodation letters, please contact your Disability Resource Center consultant to discuss eligibility.
DRC Exam Schedule
To view the date and time of a scheduled exam, please check the Accommodated Testing Schedule.
Students receiving testing accommodations have the responsibility of honest‚ ethical test taking behavior and of maintaining the integrity of the test. Cheating will not be tolerated and Disability Resource Staff are required to report any suspicious behavior by the student to the faculty. Students utilizing the Accommodated Testing Services will be monitored either in person or through the DRC camera monitoring system. All testing activities in the Accommodated Testing Services area are digitally recorded and can be used by the university in any test integrity investigations. Disciplinary action will be at the discretion of the faculty.
Testing Attendance Policies
When a student does not show for a scheduled examination with the Accommodated Testing Service and fails to contact the office prior to the scheduled time, the faculty member will determine if a make-up is allowed. The day and the time of day may need to be adjusted depending on the resources available through the Disability Resource Center.
Inclement Weather Policies
If classes are canceled or delayed the exams scheduled for that day/time period through the DRC office will not take place as scheduled. The DRC office will NOT automatically reschedule the exams scheduled during a delay or closure; instead we request that all instructors work with their students to reschedule the exam together within their offices or departments. If this is not possible then the DRC will take one by one requests from the instructors to reschedule the exam(s) and work them in as soon as possible after the university reopens. Please note this could take some time so trying to schedule the exam(s) within the department is strongly suggested.