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Hazing persists today because many consider the activities to be a “tradition” or a “rite of passage” which entitles the survivor to presumed special recognition.  The reality of hazing is that it is an activity that demeans an individual and can result in serious emotional and/or bodily injury and death.  It is power based and coercion. Hazing, as we understand it today, has no place in the University of Kentucky community. Breaking traditions in a social organization, especially those involve hazing, is not an easy thing to do.  But you do have the power to end these unnecessary activities. 


You are responsible for addressing and stopping hazing. If you witness a hazing incident, or if you are hazed, you are responsible for making sure you report the incident.

If you think that your student is being hazed, you must report it. More information can be found on and

Report a Hazing Incident

Potential Signs of Hazing

  • Members saying that something is “tradition” but the activity puts members at risk or makes them uncomfortable  
  • The presence of alcohol in chapter “traditions” or “rituals” 
  • Secrecy around hazardous activities related to chapter membership 
  • Required walking or group activities for only a certain group of members 
  • Peer pressure to do activities  
  • Required attendance at late night activities 
  • Mental exhaustion and falling behind in schooling 
  • Singling out members or groups of members  
  • Forced consumption of substances, liquids, foods, etc. 
  • Extreme physical activity resulting in soreness and other physical distress 
  • Scavenger hunts or signature books 
  • Cleaning of chapter facilities or member’s properties 
  • Running personal errands for chapter members or others associated with the chapter 
  • Physical harm in any way (paddling, branding, cutting, etc.) 
  • Purchasing items for chapter members 
  • Capturing or kidnapping  
  • Being dropped off and made to find way back 
  • Required greetings or losing voice due to yelling 
  • Isolation from friends and family  


How To Address Hazing Activities

  1. Make members aware of the hazing policies within the University of Kentucky, national organizations, and/or other affiliated groups (ex. NCAA, NIC, etc.) 
  2. Educate Members on alternatives to hazing and consequences of participating in hazing activities. Take advantage of on-campus resources such as advisors, staff, and offices such as the Violence Intervention and Prevention Center (VIP), Conduct, etc. Discuss and explore hazing issues and organization’s current rituals and traditions to find areas for improvement. If a culture of hazing exists within your organization, change it by starting new traditions and doing new activities that are not considered hazing.  Incoming members of your organization will model after what they see from the active members 
  3. Detect violations by members be alert for activities and comments of your members that may indicate hazing; don t look the other way.  At the University of Kentucky, community members have the responsibility to address the issue of hazing with each other.  If a member of your group jokes about hazing – address it.  This is an opportunity to proactively address this important issue, before someone you care about gets hurt and the issue needs to be addressed by the police and/or university 
  4. Take corrective action and if there are members who are hazing, hold them accountable for their behavior within the organization and report them to the office of student conduct.

Is There Amnesty In Reporting Hazing?

Yes, our goal is to end hazing so we don’t want you to be fearful of reporting it. If you have been involved in a hazing incident and/or your chapter has been involved, you may be exonerated from any past actions as long as you report the incident yourself and work with the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life to correct the issue within your chapter. The purpose of the Office is to educate you and your chapter on how to accomplish goals and have safe and fun activities which do not compromise principles or respect for individuals. 

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