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The Assistant Resident Director(ARD) is a live-in, part-time staff member and full-time graduate student that assists with the management of a co-ed undergraduate residence hall of between 500-800 residents.  The ARD assists with creating an inclusive living-learning environment in the residence hall. They also help coordinate a wide variety of opportunities for the academic and personal growth of the residents. Overall responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Support the mission and philosophy of Residence Life, emphasizing a commitment to developing a residential living & learning experience that engages & supports students.
  • Support the residential curriculum by helping plan, organize, and implement Signature programming.
  • Attend and participate appropriately in all Senior Staff Meetings, Area Meetings, and/or Committee Meetings.
  • Serve as On Call staff for your assigned area for 2-3 weeks each semester, keeping Leadership On-Call informed of ongoing issues.
  • Serve as a hearing officer for student conduct cases in the residence halls, utilizing a restorative approach.
  • Meet with residential students who may benefit from additional support and resources to support their academic success, social experience, and well-being, such as students who have academic alerts or exhibit need(s) on their
    CATSUP assessments.
  • Provide visible leadership for staff and residents.
  • Assist with supervising Resident Advisors, Area Council members, and other student leaders as needed.


  • Be a full-time graduate student at the University of Kentucky.
  • Maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA while a graduate student.

Other Information

Upon offer of employment, successful applicants must undergo a national background check as required by UK.

The University of Kentucky is an Equal Opportunity Employer.


The ARD position is a full-time Graduate Assistantship, with employment dates from late-July to mid-May. As full-time GAs, ARDs are provided a standard tuition scholarship and health insurance through the Graduate School. In addition, ARDs receive:

  • Annual stipend of $5000 paid bi-weekly.
  • Housing and partial meal plan.

ARDs receive a furnished room located in the assigned residence hall with all utilities (with cable TV & Internet).


UK Residence Life is not accepting new applications for Assistant Resident Directors (ARDs) at this time. 

Upon offer of employment, successful applicants must undergo a national background check as required by UK Human Resources.

For more information, contact Scott Vallance, Assistant Director at (859) 257-4783 or