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Faculty/Staff Services

The DRC collaborates with the university community to create accessible educational environments for students with disabilities. We know that you, as a faculty or staff member, play a critical role in this work. We are committed to partnering with you in course design and implementing effective accommodations.

Faculty Guide for Scheduling Exams with DRC Testing Center

  1. Student must be affiliated with the DRC office.
  2. Student requests accommodations for each class using their AIM Student Portal. When requesting exam accommodations, a student should provide reasonable notice to their instructor (7 days’ notice or more before a coming exam/quiz date). Accommodations can be requested throughout the semester
  3. Instructors can review students' Instructor Notification Letters by accessing their AIM Instructor Portal.
  4. Student and instructor discuss accommodation needs and how to meet testing accommodations within the office or department.
  5. If exam accommodations cannot be met in the office or department, the instructor may submit a request to the DRC Testing Center office for assistance. This request should be made 7 days or more before the exam or quiz date by completing the Accommodated Exam Proctoring Request form.
  6. If it is determined that a student must test at the DRC, the exam will be scheduled, and the details will be posted online for the instructor and student once finalized.

  7. The instructor must submit the exam by 12:00 pm (noon) two business days before a scheduled exam (exams for Monday should be delivered on the Thursday before; this includes passwords and paper copies). Exams that require braille conversion must be sent 7 days in advance.
  8. The completed exam must be picked up during DRC office hours by the instructor or their designee.

DRC Testing Center office is open M-F 8:00 am to 4:30 pm (exams can be given outside these hours M-F, but the office will not be open).

Accommodated Exam Proctoring Request Link 

DRC Requests Received

UK DRC Accommodated Exam Schedule 

Please direct emails to

Exam Requests

Requests to schedule a semester exam should be submitted to the DRC 7 days or more before a coming exam date. Early requests are appreciated and all semester exam dates, including the final date, can be submitted at once. Late requests may be processed upon receipt and will be scheduled as the DRC’s resources allow. Final exam requests must be submitted no later than 2 full weeks prior to finals week.

The DRC’s Accommodated Testing Service is considered the backup plan.

If the student’s accommodations can be met in the department we ask that you please do so (it is not the student’s choice to take the exam in the department or the DRC).

General Procedure Summary

  • Students should provide their accommodation letter to their instructors as early as possible with reasonable notice and discuss making arrangements within their instructor’s office or department. If the student’s accommodations can be met in the department we ask that you please do so (it is not the student’s choice where to take the exam, as long as their accommodations can be met). The DRC’s Accommodated Testing Service is considered the backup plan. If you need assistance in understanding a student’s accommodations, please contact our office 859-257-2754.
  • Test proctoring is available through the DRC by completing the online Accommodated Test Proctoring Service request form. 
  • A list of the students we have received requests for can be accessed through DRC Requests Received.

Exam Delivery

The DRC asks to receive exams/quizzes no later than 12:00 PM (noon) two business days before the scheduled exam (this includes passwords and paper copies). If the exam needs to be converted to braille, please deliver the exam 7 days or more prior to the exam date.

Exam Schedule

  • The current DRC Exam Schedule will be posted 3-4 days prior to the scheduled exam for the instructor and student to review. It is the students responsibility to check the schedule the night before their exam to see if any changes have occurred.
  • The current exam schedule can be accessed via the UK DRC Accommodated Exam Schedule 

Exam Pick Up

Completed exams will be available for the instructor, or whom they designate, to pick up the working day after the scheduled exam. The DRC office is open M-F 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.


  • Should the faculty allow the student to take a make-up examination and it cannot be administered in the department, the Accommodated Test Proctoring Center can rebook as DRC resources allow.

Unethical Behavior

Students receiving testing accommodations have the responsibility of honest‚ ethical test taking behavior and of maintaining the integrity of the test. Cheating will not be tolerated, and Disability Resource Staff are required to report any suspicious behavior by the student to the faculty. Students utilizing the Accommodated Testing Services will be monitored either in person or through the DRC camera monitoring system. The majority  Accommodated Testing Services area are digitally recorded and can be used by the University in test integrity investigations. Disciplinary action will be at the discretion of the faculty.

Testing Environments

Faculty and students should note that distraction free environments are not possible, ambient noises will be present. Due to DRC resource availability some resources may vary from exam to exam: exam room, exam time, exam location, and so on. The DRC Testing Center will ensure that all accommodations are met and provided in an adequate manner.

Faculty/Instructor Consultation

The Disability Accommodation Consultants at the Disability Resource Center seek to facilitate an environment of accessibility for students with disabilities to ensure they receive equal opportunity and access to education and campus activities at the University of Kentucky. The DRC consultants can meet with faculty one-on-one, by department, or by college to discuss specific or general topics related to the accommodation process. This may result in the student receiving accommodation letters, accommodated test-taking services, alternative text services, community resource linkage, captioning and interpreting services, service animal registration, temporary disability services, or transitional services into the workforce. 

Consultation services are also available to faculty to assist in answering specific questions regarding recommended accommodations, student issues, alternative text for class materials, creating an inclusive classroom environment for students with disabilities, and how to incorporate principles of universal design into the educational experience.

Contact the DRC at or 859-257-2754.


DRC staff are available to speak on a wide variety of topics related to the disability experience in the academic and campus community. We are available for staff or faculty meetings, college meetings, trainings, brown bags, etc.and can accommodate a wide range of time availability. Potential presentation topics are:

  • Orientation to DRC Services
  • Universal Design Instruction Strategies
  • Accommodations in the Higher Education Setting
  • Disability Culture and Etiquette
  • Compensatory Strategies

If you have an informational need, but don't see it listed here, please feel free to contact the DRC to determine whether we can develop a specialized training for you or your group.