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2024-2025 Estimated Cost of Attendance

The Cost of Attendance (COA) budgets represent the University of Kentucky’s (UK’s) best estimate of both institutional (directly billed) and non-institutional (variable and not billed by UK) costs, students will incur during the 2024-25 academic year and should help students budget their resources effectively.

COA budgets help to define the parameters the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships (OSFAS) must use to determine a student’s financial need. The student’s COA budget and a student’s financial need affect how much aid, as well as what type of aid, a student may receive. Students may not receive aid in excess of their cost of attendance.

Standard COA budgets have been developed as required by regulations for students in different fee categories and programs. These budgets represent costs that should allow students to maintain a moderate standard of living:   

COA calculations are typically based on costs for a full-time student for a full academic year. COA budgets are recalculated when a change in enrollment status takes place:

  • When projected enrollment status changes during the payment period (fall semester, spring semester, summer term) before the student begins attendance in all classes originally scheduled for the payment period; or
  • Between semesters or terms within the same academic year.

For students attending less-than half-time, COA components are restricted to:  Tuition and fees; books, course materials, supplies, and equipment; transportation; professional licensure, certification or credential if program leads to professional licensure, certification or credential; dependent care, disability-related expenses, study abroad expenses, and cooperative education costs, if applicable upon request of the student; and an allowance for living expenses for up to three semesters with not more than two semesters being consecutive.

For incarcerated students, COA components are restricted to: Tuition and fees; books, course materials, supplies, and equipment; and  professional licensure, certification or credential if program leads to professional licensure, certification or credential.

When a student is living in housing located on a military base or for which a basic allowance is provided under section 404(b) of title 37, the housing component is removed from the student’s COA budget.

COA recalculations are also performed to resolve overaward situations (when aid exceeds the COA budget), if applicable.

The below costs represent the average amounts paid by degree-seeking students who attend UK. Costs for fall and spring terms are estimated unless otherwise noted.

These averages are updated annually and are used to determine how much financial aid to award to a student.


IN-STATE Undergraduate

Type Undergraduate On-Campus Without Dependents Undergraduate Off-Campus Undergraduate Living with Parents Undergraduate Living On-Campus With Dependents
Tuition and Fees1 13,502 13,502 13,502 13,502
Food and Housing 16,016 15,912 9,610 13,070
Books and Supplies 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200
Travel 2,464 2,568 5,852 2,464
Personal 3,376 3,376 3,376 3,376
Loan Origination 82 82 82 82
TOTAL 36,640 36,640 33,622 33,694
1 Online only programs full-time tuition rate = $14,976 for fall and spring assuming 12 hours per term. Please note online charges are billed at $624.00 per credit hour and not capped at 12 hours per term. 

OUT-OF-STATE Undergraduate

Type Undergraduate On-Campus Without Dependents Undergraduate Off-Campus Undergraduate Living with Parents Undergraduate Living On-Campus With Dependents
Tuition and Fees1 34,140 34,140 34,140 34,140
Food and Housing 16,016 15,912 9,610 13,070
Books and Supplies 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200
Travel 4,290 4,394 5,852 4,290
Personal 3,376 3,376 3,376 3,376
Loan Origination 82 82 82 82
TOTAL 59,104 59,104 54,260 56,158
1 Online only programs full-time tuition rate = $14,976 for fall and spring assuming 12 hours per term. Please note online charges are billed at $624.00 per credit hour and not capped at 12 hours per term. 


IN-STATE Graduate

Type Graduate Off-Campus Graduate On-Campus Without Dependents Graduate Living On-Campus With Dependents
Tuition and Fees1 14,644 14,644 14,644
Food and Housing 18,212 13,070 13,070
Books and Supplies 1,200 1,200 1,200
Travel 2,568 2,464 2,464
Personal 3,376 3,376 3,376
Loan Origination 172 172 172
TOTAL 40,172 34,926 34,926
1 Enrollment exclusively in distance education course full-time tuition rate = $13,552 for fall and spring. This assumes enrollment for 9 credit hours per term. The hourly rate is $753.00. 


Type Graduate Off-Campus Graduate On-Campus Without Dependents Graduate Living On-Campus With Dependents
Tuition and Fees1 36,238 36,328 36,328
Food and Housing 18,212 13,070 13,070
Books and Supplies 1,200 1,200 1,200
Travel 4,394 4,290 4,290
Personal 3,376 3,376 3,376
Loan Origination 172 172 172
TOTAL 63,592 58,346 58,346
1 Enrollment exclusively in distance education course full-time tuition rate = $13,552 for fall and spring. This assumes enrollment for 9 credit hours per term. The hourly rate is $753.00. 



Type Law Off-Campus Law On-Campus Without Dependents Law Living On-Campus With Dependents
Tuition and Fees1 26,756 26,756 26,756
Food and Housing2 18,212 15,968 15,968
Books and Supplies2 1,200 1,200 1,200
Travel2 2,568 2,464 2,464
Personal2 3,376 3,376 3,376
Loan Origination2 206 206 206
TOTAL 52,318 49,970 49,970
1 Annual Full-Time Rate assessed half in fall and half in spring.
2 Budgeted for fall and spring semesters.


Type Law Off-Campus Law On-Campus Without Dependents Law Living On-Campus With Dependents
Tuition and Fees1 51,410 51,410 51,410
Food and Housing2 18,212 15,968 15,968
Books and Supplies2 1,200 1,200 1,200
Travel2 4,394 4,290 4,290
Personal2 3,376 3,376 3,376
Loan Origination2 206 206 206
TOTAL 78,798 76,450 76,450
1 Annual Full-Time Rate assessed half in fall and half in spring.
2 Budgeted for fall and spring semesters.

IN-STATE Pharmacy Third and Fourth Year

Type Pharmacy Off-Campus Pharmacy On-Campus Without Dependents Pharmacy Living On-Campus With Dependents
Tuition and Fees1 29,759 29,759 29,759
Food and Housing2 18,212 15,832 15,832
Books and Supplies2 1,200 1,200 1,200
Travel2 2,568 2,464 2,464
Personal2 3,376 3,376 3,376
Loan Origination2 332 332 332
TOTAL 55,447 52,963 52,963
1 Annual Full-Time Rate for Third and Fourth Year students assessed half in fall and half in spring.
2 Budgeted for fall and spring semesters.

OUT-OF-STATE Pharmacy Third and Fourth Year

Type Pharmacy Off-Campus Pharmacy On-Campus Without Dependents Pharmacy Living On-Campus With Dependents
Tuition and Fees1 55,842 55,842 55,842
Food and Housing2 18,212 15,832 15,832
Books and Supplies2 1,200 1,200 1,200
Travel2 4,394 4,290 4,290
Personal2 3,376 3,376 3,376
Loan Origination2 332 332 332
TOTAL 83,356 80,872 80,872
1 Annual Full-Time Rate for Second, Third, and Fourth Year students assessed half in fall and half in spring.
2 Budgeted for fall and spring semesters.

IN-STATE Pharmacy Second Year

Type Pharmacy Off-Campus Pharmacy On-Campus Without Dependents Pharmacy Living On-Campus With Dependents
Tuition and Fees1 29,916 29,916 29,916
Food and Housing2 18,212 15,832 15,832
Books and Supplies2 1,200 1,200 1,200
Travel2 2,568 2,464 2,464
Personal2 3,376 3,376 3,376
Loan Origination2 332 332 332
TOTAL 55,604 53,120 53,120
1Annual Full-time rate for Second Year (2023 entering class) assessed half in fall, half in spring
2Budgeted for fall & spring semesters

OUT-OF-STATE Pharmacy Second Year

Type Pharmacy Off-Campus Pharmacy On-Campus Without Dependents Pharmacy Living On-Campus With Dependents
Tuition and Fees1 56,130 56,130 56,130
Food and Housing2 18,212 15,832 15,832
Books and Supplies2 1,200 1,200 1,200
Travel2 4,394 4,290 4,290
Personal2 3,376 3,376 3,376
Loan Origination2 332 332 332
TOTAL 83,644 81,160 81,160
1Annual Full-Time Rate for Second Year (2023 entering class) assessed half in fall and half in spring.
2Budgeted for fall and spring semesters.

IN-STATE Pharmacy First Year

Type Pharmacy Off-Campus Pharmacy On-Campus Without Dependents Pharmacy Living On-Campus With Dependents
Tuition and Fees1 30,198 30,198 30,198
Food and Housing2 18,212 15,832 15,832
Books and Supplies2 1,200 1,200 1,200
Travel2 2,568 2,464 2,464
Personal2 3,376 3,376 3,376
Loan Origination2 332 332 332
TOTAL 55,886 53,402 53,402
1 Annual Full-Time Rate for First Year (2024 entering class) students assessed half in fall and half in spring.
2 Budgeted for fall and spring semesters.

OUT-OF-STATE Pharmacy First Year

Type Pharmacy Off-Campus Pharmacy On-Campus Without Dependents Pharmacy Living On-Campus With Dependents
Tuition and Fees1 56,676 56,676 56,676
Food and Housing2 18,212 15,832 15,832
Books and Supplies2 1,200 1,200 1,200
Travel2 4,394 4,290 4,290
Personal2 3,376 3,376 3,376
Loan Origination2 332 332 332
TOTAL 84,190 81,706 81,706
1 Annual Full-Time Rate for First Year (2024 entering class) students assessed half in fall and half in spring.
2 Budgeted for fall and spring semesters.

IN-STATE Physical Therapy

Type PT Off-Campus Fall & Spring PT On-Campus With or Without Dependents Fall & Spring PT Off-Campus Summer PT Living On-Campus With Dependents Summer
Tuition and Fees1 19,354 19,354 4,445 4,445
Food and Housing 18,212 13,070 6,070 4,357
Books and Supplies 1,200 1,200    200    200
Travel 2,568 2,464    856     821
Personal 3,376 3,376 1,125 1,125
Loan Origination2 172 172         0          0
TOTAL 44,882 39,636 12,696 10,948
1 Annual Full-Time Rate tuition assessed 2/5 in fall, 2/5 spring, and 1/5 summer; fee assessed 1/2 fall and 1/2 spring.
2 Total allowance applied to fall and spring unless loans taken only in summer.

OUT-OF-STATE Physical Therapy

Type PT Off-Campus Fall & Spring PT On-Campus With or Without Dependents Fall & Spring PT Off-Campus Summer PT Living On-Campus With or Without Dependents Summer
Tuition and Fees1 39,650 39,650 9,519 9,519
Food and Housing 18,212 13,070 6,070 4,357
Books and Supplies 1,200 1,200    200    200
Travel 4,394 4,290 1,465 1,430
Personal 3,376 3,376 1,125 1,125
Loan Origination2 172 172         0          0
TOTAL 67,004 61,758 18,379 16,631
1 Annual Full-Time Rate tuition assessed 2/5 in fall, 2/5 spring, and 1/5 summer; fee assessed 1/2 fall and 1/2 spring.
2 Total allowance applied to fall and spring semesters unless loans taken only in summer.

IN-STATE Professional Practice Doctoral Nursing and Public Health (excluding Physical Therapy)

Type Off-Campus On-Campus Without Dependents Living On-Campus With Dependents
Tuition and Fees1 19,138 19,138 19,138
Food and Housing 18,212 13,070 13,070
Books and Supplies 1,200 1,200 1,200
Travel 2,568 2,464 2,464
Personal 3,376 3,376 3,376
Loan Origination 172 172 172
TOTAL 44,666 39,420 39,420
1 Online program rates are $1,002 per hour; $9,008 per semester; $18,016 for fall and spring.

OUT-OF-STATE Professional Practice Doctoral Nursing and Public Health (excluding Physical Therapy)

Type Off-Campus On-Campus Without Dependents Living On-Campus With Dependents
Tuition and Fees1 50,134 50,134 50,134
Food and Housing 18,212 13,070 13,070
Books and Supplies 1,200 1,200 1,200
Travel 4,394 4,290 4,290
Personal 3,374 3,374 3,374
Loan Origination 172 172 172
TOTAL 77,488 72,242 72,242
1 Online program rates are $1,002 per hour; $9,008 per semester; $18,016 for fall and spring.

IN-STATE Master of Health Professional:  Master of Science in Nursing - Healthcare Systems Leadership, Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies, Master of Science in Radiological Medial Physics

Type Off-Campus On-Campus Without Dependents Living On-Campus With Dependents
Tuition and Fees1 15,786 15,786 15,786
Food and Housing 18,212 13,070 13,070
Books and Supplies 1,200 1,200 1,200
Travel 2,568 2,464 2,464
Personal 3,376 3,376 3,376
Loan Origination 172 172 172
TOTAL 41,314 36,068 36,068
1 Online program rates are $815.50 per hour; $7,332 per semester; $14,664 for fall and spring.

OUT-OF-STATE Master of Health Professional:  Master of Science in Nursing - Healthcare Systems Leadership, Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies, Master of Science in Radiological Medial Physics

Type Off-Campus On-Campus Without Dependents Living On-Campus With Dependents
Tuition and Fees1 36,766 36,766 36,766
Food and Housing 15,674 12,684 12,684
Books and Supplies 1,200 1,200 1,200
Travel 4,028 4,028 4,028
Personal 3,200 3,200 3,200
Loan Origination 170 170 170
TOTAL 61,038 58,048 58,048
1 Online program rates are $815.50 per hour; $7,332 per semester; $14,664 for fall and spring.

In-State and Out-of-State, Master of Public Health, Online

Type Off-Campus On-Campus Without Dependents Living On-Campus With Dependents
Tuition and Fees1 13,806 13,806 13,806
Food and Housing 18,212 13,070 13,070
Books and Supplies 1,200 1,200 1,200
Travel 2,568 2,464 2,464
Personal 3,376 3,376 3,376
Loan Origination 172 172 172
TOTAL 39,334 34,088 34,088
1 Tuition and fees assessed per credit hour rate of $767. Budget based on 9 hours per semester.

IN-STATE and OUT-OF-STATE College of Education:  Master of Education in Educational Leadership, Education Specialist in Teacher Leadership, and Education Specialist in Principal Preparation

Type Off-Campus On-Campus Without Dependents Living On-Campus With Dependents
Tuition and Fees1 11,790 11,790 11,790
Food and Housing2 18,212 13,070 13,070
Books and Supplies2 1,200 1,200 1,200
Travel2 2,568 2,464 2,464
Personal2 3,376 3,376 3,376
Loan Origination2 172 172 172
TOTAL 37,318 32,072 32,072
1 Tuition and mandatory fees are assessed based on the applicable per credit hour rate for all attempted credit hours, regardless of full-time or part-time status. $655 per hour. Budget assumes 9 hours per semester.
2 Budgeted for fall and spring semesters.

College of Dentistry First-Year

Type In-State Off-Campus In-State With or Without Dependents Out-of-State Off-Campus Out-of-State With or Without Dependents
Tuition and Fees 38,538 38,538 83,702 83,702
Other Curriculum Expenses 9,288 9,288 9,288 9,288
Food and Housing 25,962 19,868 25,962 19,868
Books, Course Materials, Supplies & Equipment 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100
Travel 3,138 3,012 5,370 5,243
Personal 4,126 4,126 4,126 4,126
Loan Origination 446 446 446 446
TOTAL 82,598 76,378 129,994 123,773

College of Dentistry Second-Year

Type In-State Off-Campus In-State With or Without Dependents Out-of-State Off-Campus Out-of-State With or Without Dependents
Tuition and Fees 38,538 38,538 83,702 83,702
Other Curriculum Expenses 7,926 7,926 7,926 7,926
Food and Housing 25,962 19,868 25,962 19,868
Books, Course Materials, Supplies & Equipment 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800
Travel 3,138 3,012 5,370 5,243
Personal 4,126 4,126 4,126 4,126
Loan Origination 446 446 446 446
TOTAL 81,936 75,716 129,332 123,111

College of Dentistry Third-Year

Type In-State Off-Campus In-State With or Without Dependents Out-of-State Off-Campus Out-of-State With or Without Dependents
Tuition and Fees 38,538 38,538 83,702 83,702
Other Curriculum Expenses 4,332 4,332 4,332 4,332
Food and Housing 25,962 19,868 25,962 19,868
Books, Course Materials, Supplies & Equipment 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600
Travel 3,138 3,012 5,370 5,243
Personal 4,126 4,126 4,126 4,126
Loan Origination 446 446 446 446
TOTAL 78,142 71,922 125,538 119,317

College of Dentistry Fourth-Year

Type In-State Off-Campus In-State With or Without Dependents Out-of-State Off-Campus Out-of-State With or Without Dependents
Tuition and Fees 38,538 38,538 83,702 83,702
Other Curriculum Expenses 3,124 3,124 3,124 3,124
Licensure & Board Exam Fees 3,836 3,836 3,836 3,836
Food and Housing 25,962 19,868 25,962 19,868
Books, Course Materials, Supplies & Equipment 700 700 700 700
Travel 3,138 3,012 5,370 5,243
Personal 4,126 4,126 4,126 4,126
Loan Origination 446 446 446 446
TOTAL 79,870 73,650 127,266 121,045

College of Dentistry Orthodontics First-Year

Type In-State Off-Campus In-State With or Without Dependents Out-of-State Off-Campus Out-of-State With or Without Dependents
Tuition and Fees 15,786 15,786 37,576 37,576
Food and Housing 25,962 20,340 25,962 20,340
Books, Course Materials, Supplies & Equipment 0 0 0 0
Travel 3,138 3,012 5,370 5,243
Personal 4,126 4,126 4,126 4,126
Loan Origination 172 172 172 172
TOTAL 49,184 43,436 73,206 67,457

College of Dentistry Orthodontics Second-Year

Type In-State Off-Campus In-State With or Without Dependents Out-of-State Off-Campus Out-of-State With or Without Dependents
Tuition and Fees 15,786 15,786 37,576 37,576
Food and Housing 29,896 22,190 29,896 22,190
Books, Course Materials, Supplies & Equipment 0 0 0 0
Travel 3,138 3,012 5,370 5,243
Personal 4,126 4,126 4,126 4,126
Loan Origination 172 172 172 172
TOTAL 53,118 45,286 77,140 69,307

College of Dentistry Orthodontics Third-Year

Type In-State Off-Campus In-State With or Without Dependents Out-of-State Off-Campus Out-of-State With or Without Dependents
Tuition and Fees 15,786 15,786 37,576 37,576
Food and Housing 25,962 20,340 25,962 20,340
Books, Course Materials, Supplies & Equipment 0 0 0 0
Travel 3,138 3,012 5,370 5,243
Personal 4,126 4,126 4,126 4,126
Loan Origination 172 172 172 172
TOTAL 49,184 43,436 73,206 67,457

College of Dentistry Periodontology First-Year

Type In-State Off-Campus In-State With or Without Dependents Out-of-State Off-Campus Out-of-State With or Without Dependents
Tuition and Fees 15,786 15,786 37,576 37,576
Food and Housing 29,896 22,190 29,896 22,190
Books, Course Materials, Supplies & Equipment 500 500 500 500
Travel 3,424 3,286 5,858 5,720
Personal 4,502 4,520 4,502 4,520
Loan Origination 172 172 172 172
TOTAL 54,280 46,436 78,504 70,660

College of Dentistry Periodontology Second-Year

Type In-State Off-Campus In-State With or Without Dependents Out-of-State Off-Campus Out-of-State With or Without Dependents
Tuition and Fees 15,786 15,786 37,576 37,576
Food and Housing 29,896 22,190 29,896 22,190
Books, Course Materials, Supplies & Equipment 0 0 0 0
Travel 3,424 3,286 5,858 5,720
Personal 4,502 4,520 4,502 4,520
Loan Origination 172 172 172 172
TOTAL 53,780 45,936 78,004 70,160

College of Dentistry Periodontology Third-Year

Type In-State Off-Campus In-State With or Without Dependents Out-of-State Off-Campus Out-of-State With or Without Dependents
Tuition and Fees 15,786 15,786 37,576 37,576
Food and Housing 29,896 22,190 29,896 22,190
Books, Course Materials, Supplies & Equipment 0 0 0 0
Travel 3,424 3,286 5,858 5,720
Personal 4,502 4,520 4,502 4,520
Loan Origination 172 172 172 172
TOTAL 53,780 45,936 78,004 70,160

College of Medicine First-Year

Type In-State Off-Campus In-State With or Without Dependents Out-of-State Off-Campus Out-of-State With or Without Dependents
Tuition and Fees 42,094 42,094 76,842 76,842
Disability Insurance Fee - Fall Semester 58 58 58 58
Food and Housing 22,292 18,962 22,292 18,962
Books, Course Materials, Supplies & Equipment 500 500 500 500
Travel 2,854 2,738 4,882 4,766
Personal 3,752 3,752 3,752 3,752
Loan Origination 434 434 434 434
TOTAL 71,984 68,538 108,760 105,314

College of Medicine Second-Year

Type In-State Off-Campus In-State With or Without Dependents Out-of-State Off-Campus Out-of-State With or Without Dependents
Tuition and Fees 41,662 41,662 76,066 76,066
Disability Insurance Fee - Fall Semester 58 58 58 58
Certification Fee 670 670 670 670
Food and Housing 22,292 18,962 22,292 18,962
Books, Course Materials, Supplies & Equipment 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
Travel 2,854 2,738 4,882 4,766
Personal 3,752 3,752 3,752 3,752
Loan Origination 434 434 434 434
TOTAL 72,722 69,276 109,154 105,708

College of Medicine Third-Year

Type In-State Off-Campus In-State With or Without Dependents Out-of-State Off-Campus Out-of-State With or Without Dependents
Tuition and Fees 41,266 41,266 75,330 75,330
Disability Insurance Fee - Fall Semester 58 58 58 58
Certification Fee 670 670 670 670
Food and Housing 25,962 20,858 25,962 20,858
Books, Course Materials, Supplies & Equipment 500 500 500 500
Travel 3,138 3,012 5,370 5,243
Personal 4,126 4,126 4,126 4,126
Loan Origination 434 434 434 434
TOTAL 76,154 70,924 112,450 107,219

College of Medicine Fourth-Year

Type In-State Off-Campus In-State With or Without Dependents Out-of-State Off-Campus Out-of-State With or Without Dependents
Tuition and Fees 40,866 40,866 74,592 74,592
Disability Insurance Fee - Fall Semester 58 58 58 58
Certification Fee 3,030 3,030 3,030 3,030
Food and Housing 25,962 20,858 25,962 20,858
Books, Course Materials, Supplies & Equipment 500 500 500 500
Travel 3,138 3,012 5,370 5,243
Personal 4,396 4,396 4,396 4,396
Loan Origination 434 434 434 434
TOTAL 78,384 73,154 114,342 109,111

IN-STATE MS Accounting

Type MS Acct Off-Campus MS Acct On-Campus Without Dependents MS Acct Living On-Campus With Dependents
Tuition and Fees1 20,706 20,706 20,706
Food and0 Housing2 18,212 13,070 13,070
Books and Supplies2 1,200 1,200 1,200
Travel2 2,568 2,464 2,464
Personal2 3,376 3,376 3,376
Loan Origination2 172 172 172
TOTAL 46,234 40,988 40,988
1 Annual Full-Time Rate tuition and fees assessed three installments: 2/5 fall, 2/5 spring, and 1/5 summer. Fall and spring budgeted here.
2 Budgeted for fall and spring semesters.

OUT-OF-STATE MS Accounting

Type MS Acct Off-Campus MS Acct On-Campus Without Dependents MS Acct Living On-Campus With Dependents
Tuition and Fees1 26,562 26,562 26,562
Food and Housing2 18,212 13,070 13,070
Books and Supplies2 1,200 1,200 1,200
Travel2 4,394 4,290 4,290
Personal2 3,376 3,376 3,376
Loan Origination2 172 172 172
TOTAL 53,916 48,670 48,670
1 Annual Full-Time Rate tuition and fees assessed three installments: 2/5 fall, 2/5 spring, and 1/5 summer. Fall and spring budgeted here.
2 Budgeted for fall and spring semesters.

IN-STATE MBA One Year Full-Time

Type MBA Off-Campus MBA On-Campus Without Dependents MBA Living On-Campus With Dependents
Tuition and Fees1 31,326 31,326 31,326
Food and Housing2 18,212 13,070 13,070
Books and Supplies2 1,200 1,200 1,200
Travel2 2,568 2,464 2,464
Personal2 3,376 3,376 3,376
Loan Origination2 172 172 172
TOTAL 56,854 51,608 51,608
1 Annual Full-Time Rate tuition assessed 2/5 in fall, 2/5 spring, and 1/5 summer; fees assessed 1/2 fall and 1/2 spring.
2 Budgeted for fall and spring semesters.

OUT-OF-STATE MBA One Year Full-Time

Type MBA Off-Campus MBA On-Campus Without Dependents MBA Living On-Campus With Dependents
Tuition and Fees1 37,258 37,258 37,258
Food and Housing2 18,212 13,070 13,070
Books and Supplies2 1,200 1,200 1,200
Travel2 4,394 4,290 4,290
Personal2 3,376 3,376 3,376
Loan Origination2 172 172 172
TOTAL 64,612 59,366 59,366
1 Annual Full-Time Rate tuition assessed 2/5 in fall, 2/5 spring, and 1/5 summer; fees assessed 1/2 fall and 1/2 spring.
2 Budgeted for fall and spring semesters.

IN-STATE MBA 2-Year Full-time, Entering Fall 2024

Type MBA Off-Campus MBA On-Campus Without Dependents MBA Living On-Campus With Dependents
Tuition and Fees1 39,954 39,954 39,954
Food and Housing2 18,212 13,070 13,070
Books and Supplies2 1,200 1,200 1,200
Travel2 2,568 2,464 2,464
Personal2 3,376 3,376 3,376
Loan Origination2 172 172 172
TOTAL 65,482 60,236 60,236
1 Annual Full-Time Rate tuition assessed each term based on the course load. Fully online rate is $37,710.
2 Budgeted for fall and spring semesters.

OUT-OF-STATE MBA 2-Year Full-time, Entering Fall 2024

Type MBA Off-Campus MBA On-Campus Without Dependents MBA Living On-Campus With Dependents
Tuition and Fees1 47,372 47,372 47,372
Food and Housing2 18,212 13,070 13,070
Books and Supplies2 1,200 1,200 1,200
Travel2 4,394 4,290 4,290
Personal2 3,376 3,376 3,376
Loan Origination2 172 172 172
TOTAL 74,726 69,480 69,480
1 Annual Full-Time Rate tuition assessed each term based on the course load. Fully online rate is $37,710.
2 Budgeted for fall and spring semesters.

IN-STATE MBA 2-Year Full-time, Entering Fall 2023

Type MBA Off-Campus MBA On-Campus Without Dependents MBA Living On-Campus With Dependents
Tuition and Fees1 39,124 39,124 39,124
Food and Housing2 18,212 13,070 13,070
Books and Supplies2 1,200 1,200 1,200
Travel2 2,568 2,464 2,464
Personal2 3,376 3,376 3,376
Loan Origination2 172 172 172
TOTAL 64,652 59,406 59,406
1 Annual Full-Time Rate tuition assessed each term based on the course load. Fully online rate is $36,910.
2 Budgeted for fall and spring semesters.

OUT-OF-STATE MBA 2-Year Full-time, Entering Fall 2023

Type MBA Off-Campus MBA On-Campus Without Dependents MBA Living On-Campus With Dependents
Tuition and Fees1 46,382 46,382 46,382
Food and Housing2 18,212 13,070 13,070
Books and Supplies2 1,200 1,200 1,200
Travel2 4,394 4,290 4,290
Personal2 3,376 3,376 3,376
Loan Origination2 172 172 172
TOTAL 73,736 68,490 68,490
1 Annual Full-Time Rate tuition assessed each term based on the course load. Fully online rate is $36,910.
2 Budgeted for fall and spring semesters.

IN-STATE MBA 3-Year Part-time, Entering Fall 2024




MBA On-Campus 

Without Dependents 

MBA Living On-Campus With Dependents 
Tuition and Fees1  39,478  39,478  39,478 
Food and Housing2  18,212  13,070  13,070 
Books and Supplies2  1,200  1,200  1,200 
Travel2  2,568  2,464  2,464 
Personal2  3,376  3,376 3,376 
Loan Origination2  172  172  172 
TOTAL  65,006  59,760  59,760

1 Annual Full-Time Rate tuition assessed each term based on course load.  Fully online rate is $37,749.

2 Budgeted for fall and spring semesters. 

OUT-OF-STATE MBA 3-Year Part-time, Entering Fall 2024

Type MBA Off-Campus MBA On-Campus Without Dependents MBA Living On-Campus With Dependents
Tuition and Fees1 46,892 46,892 46,892
Food and Housing2 18,212 13,070 13,070
Books and Supplies2 1,200 1,200 1,200
Travel2 4,394 4,2908 4,290
Personal2 3,376 3,376 3,376
Loan Origination2 172 172 172
TOTAL 74,246 69,000 69,000
1 Annual Full-Time Rate tuition assessed each term based on the course load. Fully online rate is $37,749.
2 Budgeted for fall and spring semesters.

IN-STATE MBA 3-Year Part-time, Entering Fall 2023

Type MBA Off-Campus MBA On-Campus Without Dependents MBA Living On-Campus With Dependents
Tuition and Fees1 38,658 38,658 38,658
Food and Housing2 18,212 13,070 13,070
Books and Supplies2 1,200 1,200 1,200
Travel2 2,568 2,464 2,464
Personal2 3,376 3,376 3,376
Loan Origination2 172 172 172
TOTAL 64,186 58,940 58,940
1 Annual Full-Time Rate tuition assessed each term based on the course load. Fully online rate is $36,948.
2 Budgeted for fall and spring semesters.

OUT-OF-STATE MBA 3-Year Part-time, Entering Fall 2023




MBA On-Campus 

Without Dependents 

MBA Living On-Campus With Dependents 
Tuition and Fees 45,914  45,914  45,914 
Food and Housing2  18,212  13,070  13,070 
Books and Supplies2  1,200  1,200  1,200 
Travel2  4,394  4,290  4,290 
Personal2  3,376  3,376  3,376 
Loan Origination2  172  172  172 
TOTAL  73,268  68,022  68,022

1 Annual Full-Time Rate tuition assessed each term based on course load. Fully online rate is $36,948.

2 Budgeted for fall and spring semesters. 

IN-STATE MBA 3-Year Part-time, Entering Fall 2022




MBA On-Campus 

Without Dependents 

MBA Living On-Campus With Dependents 
Tuition and Fees1  37,606  37,606  37,606 
Food and Housing2  18,212  13,070  13,070 
Books and Supplies2  1,200  1,200  1,200 
Travel2  2,568  2,464  2,464 
Personal2  3,376  3,376  3,376 
Loan Origination2  172  172  172 
TOTAL  63,134  57,888  57,888 

1 Annual Full-Time Rate tuition assessed each term based on course load. Fully online rate is $35,914.50.

2 Budgeted for fall and spring semesters. 

OUT-OF-STATE MBA 3-Year Part-time, Entering Fall 2022

Type MBA Off-Campus MBA On-Campus Without Dependents MBA Living On-Campus With Dependents
Tuition and Fees1 44,344 44,344 44,344
Food and Housing2 18,212 13,070 13,070
Books and Supplies2 1,200 1,200 1,200
Travel2 4,394 4,290 4,290
Personal2 3,376 3,376 3,376
Loan Origination2 172 172 172
TOTAL 71,698 66,452 66,452
1 Annual Full-Time Rate tuition assessed each term based on the course load. Fully online rate is $35,914.50.
2 Budgeted for fall and spring semesters.

IN-STATE Gatton College of Business and Economics:  Master of Science in Finance, Master of Science in Marketing, Master of Science in Strategic Human Resource Management and Analytics, and Master of Science in Supply Chain Management

Type Off-Campus On-Campus Without Dependents Living On-Campus With Dependents
Tuition and Fees1 17,442 17,442 17,442
Food and Housing2 18,212 13,070 13,070
Books and Supplies2 1,200 1,200 1,200
Travel2 2,568 2,464 2,464
Personal2 3,376 3,376 3,376
Loan Origination2 172 172 172
TOTAL 42,970 37,724 37,724
1 Tuition and mandatory fees are assessed based on the applicable per credit hour rate for all attempted credit hours, regardless of full-time or part-time status. $969 per hour. Budget assumes 9 hours per semester.  Fully online rate is $16,578.
2 Budgeted for fall and spring semesters.

OUT-OF-STATE Gatton College of Business and Economics:  Master of Science in Marketing, Master of Science in Strategic Human Resource Management and Analytics, and Master of Science in Supply Chain Management

Type Off-Campus On-Campus Without Dependents Living On-Campus With Dependents
Tuition and Fees1 23,076 23,076 23,076
Food and Housing2 18,212 13,070 13,070
Books and Supplies2 1,200 1,200 1,200
Travel2 4,394 4,290 4,290
Personal2 3,376 3,376 3,376
Loan Origination2 172 172 172
TOTAL 50,430 45,184 45,184
1 Tuition and mandatory fees are assessed based on the applicable per credit hour rate for all attempted credit hours, regardless of full-time or part-time status. $1,282.00 per hour. Budget assumes 9 hours per semester. Fully online rate is $16,578.
2 Budgeted for fall and spring semesters.

OUT-OF-STATE Gatton College of Business and Economics:  Master of Science in Finance

Type Off-Campus On-Campus Without Dependents Living On-Campus With Dependents
Tuition and Fees1 24,408 24,408 24,408
Food and Housing2 18,212 13,070 13,070
Books and Supplies2 1,200 1,200 1,200
Travel2 4,394 4,028 4,028
Personal2 3,376 3,376 3,376
Loan Origination2 172 172 172
TOTAL 51,762 46,252 46,252
1 Tuition and mandatory fees are assessed based on the applicable per credit hour rate for all attempted credit hours, regardless of full-time or part-time status. $1,356.00 per hour. Budget assumes 9 hours per semester.
2 Budgeted for fall and spring semesters.

Certification, License and Credential Fees

Students are given an allowance for the costs associated with obtaining a license, certification, or a first professional credential, for programs that prepare them to enter a profession that requires such qualification.  Data provided by associate deans has been used to add these costs to COAs as appropriate.  OSFAS recognizes that some exams may not be included in the compiled list.  Students may submit documentation for required examinations obtained from an academic advisor or college administrator that verifies their profession requires the qualification, that the exam fee is paid before the student graduates, and the cost of the exam. Students may request that the cost be increased for multiple attempts to pass an exam.   

Additional Costs

By submitting a Budget Appeal Form and including documentation, students shall be provided additional reasonable allowance for the following items for which the student incurs expenses and they are not paid for by other assisting agencies during the academic year: 

  1. Laptop/Computer: $2,000 maximum allowance; 
  2. Dependent care expenses: see chart for allowances
  3. Disability-related expenses; 
  4. Cooperative education program expenses; and 
  5. Study abroad expenses. 
Students walking across campus

Net Price Calculator

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Actual Tuition and Fees Rates

Rates on this page are estimates. View 2024-25 Tuition and Mandatory Fee Rates from Student Account Services.

Tuition and Fees

Housing and Meals

To view Actual Room and Board rates, please visit Housing.


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