Submitter FAQs
I submitted a referral regarding a student I am concerned about. Will I receive an update on the situation?
The Center for Support and Intervention staff strives to respond to any referral within 72 business hours after receipt of the referral, to provide the name and contact number of the case manager assigned to the case, as well as any updates on actions we have taken at that time. As the referral submitter, you are welcome to contact CSI staff at any point following a referral, if you have questions, concerns, or additional information. Please contact the case manager assigned to the case, or call 859-257-3755.
How do I know when to refer a student for support?
The Center for Support and Intervention staff are happy to speak with you if you are unsure about whether to make a referral. Often being able to reach out and connect with a student when there are early signs of difficulty can be helpful, and lets the student know we are here for them. UK is a large campus community, and connecting what we know about a student from a variety of sources assists in better serving the student’s needs. See When to Refer for more information
How do I know which office to refer to?
The Center for Support and Intervention works very closely with other offices on campus to ensure students receive the most direct and appropriate support for their individual needs. Our referral form, the 'Get Help Form', is a collaboration with TRACS. Based on the information provided in the referral form, the referral is routed to the most appropriate office for outreach.
When a referral is received that contains information appropriate for a different office, this information is routed to them quickly through our referral database. Other offices we may communicate with include the Office of Student Conduct and the Office of Institutional Equity and Equal Opportunity.
Am I mandated to refer a student to the Center for Support and Intervention?
Mandatory reporting refers specifically to incidents of harassment and discrimination that should be reported to the Office of Equal Opportunity.
However, the UK community is highly encouraged to refer a student via our referral form, especially if a student's difficulties or distress appear to be escalating.
If a student may be a harm to themselves or others, please contact emergency resources immediately and then follow up by completing the referral form.
What happens when a student doesn’t engage with the Center for Support and Intervention, but they still appear to be struggling?
Case managers will make several attempts to engage a student following a referral. However, in most instances, students are not required to meet with us and a student may choose not to engage or decline support. As a person already connected to the student, you may be in a position to observe continued or escalating difficulties and we encourage you to reach out to provide additional information or concerns at any time. Sharing your concerns and letting the student know you are referring them can also be helpful in encouraging the student to engage.
Can I include information on the Center for Support and Intervention in my syllabus?
Absolutely. Feel free to include a description of how our office supports students and include our website address and phone number. If you have specific questions about the Center for Support and Intervention, reach out to us and we can advise.
Does making a referral or communicating with the Center for Support and Intervention violate a student’s right to privacy?
Making a referral to the Center for Support and Intervention does not violate a student’s right to privacy. FERPA permits the sharing of personal observations and knowledge about a student among campus officials where there is a legitimate educational need to know. If you have a concern about a student, do not hesitate to notify the Center for Support and Intervention.