Referring a Student
When to refer?
A referral to the Center for Support and Intervention may be appropriate if a student is:
- Struggling with college transitions, decision-making, academic stress, or connecting with social outlets.
- Feeling overwhelmed with the process of accessing or navigating campus resources.
- Missing classes, having difficulty with assignments, and/or not following through with academic support.
- Experiencing a personal event, such as the loss of a loved one, a transition into pregnancy or parenting, or difficulties with interpersonal connection (e.g. with their family, friends, roommate, or partner).
- Seen in the emergency room or hospitalized for physical or mental health care
- Experiencing multiple stressors in their life that could influence their well-being (ex: financial, mental health, academic, or social/emotional factors).
- Connected to or has been directly (mentally, emotionally, physically, financially, etc.) affected by an event on campus, or in their local, hometown, state/regional, or national community.
- Experiencing financial stress related to tuition costs, scholarships, grants etc. and is struggling to engage with the resources.
- Exhibiting behavior perceived as disruptive, upsetting, rude, aggressive, or bizarre.
Get Help Referral Form
Submit this form for any student experiencing circumstances impacting their personal, physical or emotional well-being, exhibiting behaviors that are a cause for concern, or for a student you believe could benefit from increased support. Please fill out the form with as much information as possible to assist in outreach efforts.