Let's Talk
Want help making a decision or solving a problem?
Need support around a recent life event?
Curious about whether counseling is for you?
Drop in to Let's Talk for a brief, confidential, one-on-one conversation with a Counseling Center clinician!
Let's Talk provides easy access to informal, confidential conversations with clinicians from the UK Counseling Center.
- No appointment necessary.
- In-person at locations around campus.
- Open to all University of Kentucky undergraduate, graduate and professional students.
Let’s Talk is an informal conversation. Let’s Talk is not counseling.
- Although Let's Talk clinicians are mental health professionals, Let's Talk conversations do not constitute mental health treatment.
- Limits to confidentiality- When there is an immediate threat of harm to you or others, Let's Talk clinicians are required by law to report this. When a minor, elderly person, or someone otherwise incapacitated is being abused, Let's Talk clinicians are also required by law to report this.
- If your Let's Talk clinician assesses that you could benefit from a higher level of care, every effort will be made to refer you to appropriate resources at the university and/or in the community.
Spring 2025
1/13/25 - 5/1/25
Mondays, 1-3 pm: CARES First Gen, 122 McVey Hall with Tina Bryant, PhD
Tuesdays, 1-3 pm: LGBTQ+ Resource Center in the Gatton Student Center with Georgeann Brown, PhD
Tuesdays, 2-4 pm: International Student Services in the Little Fine Arts Library with Nathaniel Hopkins, PhD
Wednesdays, 12-2 pm: Rosenberg College of Law, Room 286 with Amanda Bloom, PhD
Thursdays, 1-3 pm: MLK Center in the Gatton Student Center with Kyndl Woodlee, PhD