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Photo Contact Information
Tina C. Bryant
Tina Bryant
Acting Executive Director, Associate Director and Licensed Psychologist
Amanda Bloom
Amanda Bloom
Staff Psychologist
Georgeann Brown
Georgeann Brown
Staff Psychologist
Amber Carter
Amber Carter
Staff Psychologist
Elaine D'Egidio
Elaine D'Egidio
Welcome Desk staff member
Marty Green, LCSW
Martin Green, LCSW
Mental Health Clinician
Nathaniel Hopkins
Nathaniel Hopkins
Senior Staff Psychologist, Coordinator for Information and Systems
Walter Malone
Walter Malone, PhD
Staff Psychologist
Bernadine McGhee
Bernadine McGhee
Welcome Desk staff member
Whitney Rogers
Whitney Rogers, LCSW
Mental Health Clinician
Shannon Winke
Shannon Winke, MS, RDN, LD
Registered Dietitian
Kyndl Woodlee
Kyndl Woodlee
Staff Psychologist