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Graphic of Financial Aid Process

Activate your linkblue and UKY Email Account

If you have not yet activated your linkblue username, password and set up your UKY email address.

Click here to activate

Future financial aid communications will be sent to you electronically, it is critical you set up your UKY email address and check it periodically.

Accept Your Scholarship (if offered)

If you are planning to attend UK in the Fall 2025 semester and were offered an academic scholarship, entering freshmen must accept awards online through their myUK account no later than May 1, 2025*.  Transfer and continuing students have until August 1, 2025* to accept awards online.

Please complete the steps below to accept your scholarship offer on myUK:

  1. Login to your myUK account by using your linkblue ID (ex. swil0123) and password.
  2. Select Student ServicesFinancialsFinancial Aid > 2025-2026.
  3. Select the View and Accept Awards tab at the top of the page. Accept the terms and conditions of your scholarship by clicking the I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions for Scholarships box, then click Submit.
  4. To accept the scholarship, click on Review Amount and Accept for the scholarship. Be sure to confirm your acceptance by clicking the Accept box that appears.

*If a deadline falls on a weekend, the deadline will be extended until 11:59 p.m. ET on the following Monday.

File Your FAFSA

FAFSA applications for 2025-56 are expected to be available in December 2024. Once you have filed a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), and have been admitted, you can verify that we have received your information by logging into myUK, go to the Student Services tab > Financial Aid.  Check the Received or Waived Documents section under the Required Documents tab for the message “2025-26 FAFSA Information: We have received your 2025-26 FAFSA information from the U.S. Department of Education.” The Department of Education plans to begin sending the 2025-26 FAFSA to institutions in late spring. If you have filed a FAFSA but the Required Documents tab does not indicate it has been received, please contact us

Accept Your Financial Aid Offer

The Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships will begin notifying incoming Fall 2025 freshmen of financial aid notifications in March. Notifications to continuing students and transfer students are scheduled to begin in late June. Financial aid notifications are generated on a weekly basis for new applicants. Digital notifications are sent to your personal and UKY email addresses. 

Once you have recieved your Financial Aid Notification:

  1. Login to your myUK account by using your linkblue ID (ex. swil0123) and password.
  2. Select the Student Services tab, click on Financials and then Financial Aid.
  3. Click on View and Accept Offers tab to review offers.
  4. Read and sign the Consent and Obligation Form before accepting award offers.
  5. Go back to View and Accept Offers tab to accept/decline offers, then submit.
  6. Navigate to the Required Documents tab to determine if items are missing or incomplete for your financial aid application. Federal and state financial aid will not appear on your billing statement until all missing items are completed.
  7. Click on COA Budget (Financials > Financial Aid > COA Budget). The COA Budget is an estimated cost of attendance, determined by your current residency classification, living arrangements, full-time enrollment and program of study. 

You can also use this video as a walkthrough guide to review and accept your Financial Aid Offer. 

Compare Your Financial Aid Package to Cost

Calculate an estimate of basic living expenses for attending UK. Consider your needs and personal spending habits when developing your budget. 

Tuition and Fees information

On campus Food and Housing information 

Compare your annual financial aid offer with the cost to attend UK and develop a plan for you and your family to cover the difference.

If you need help comparing financial aid offers from different schools, we recommend watching the video above. 

Complete Federal Direct Loan Requirements (if offered)

Prior to the disbursement of Federal Direct Loan funds, all first-time student borrowers must complete:

Master Promissory Note (MPN)


Loan Entrance Counseling

Complete Federal Work-Study Requirements (if offered)

The amount of Federal Work-Study (FWS), if offered, is the maximum you are allowed to earn during the course of the academic year. If you are hired into a FWS job and perform work, you will be paid directly for FWS earnings every two weeks. The earnings are not automatically credited to your student account. 

After you accept your FWS offer, you can search and apply for FWS jobs here. Once you are hired for a FWS job, you will be contacted by the FWS Program Manager regarding the next steps.

Financial Aid Eligibility and Verification Requirements

Check on your financial aid eligibility and verification (if selected) requirements to ensure your student aid offers can be finalized. 

To review those requirements and take the next steps to finalize your financial aid file, visit:

Financial Aid Eligibility & Verification Requirements | Student Success ( 

Review Financial Aid Disbursement and Payment Options

If all eligibility requirements are met, financial aid offers will begin crediting to your account as early as 10 days before the start of the term. After the last day to add or drop a course for the term, some financial aid offers are required to be adjusted to match your enrollment.

Students are billed each semester. Billings statements are emailed to the student’s UKY email address. The fall bill is sent August 1 and is due August 22. The spring bill is sent January 1 and is due January 22.

  • Establish Guest Access for parents and guardians via myUK to allow easy access for payments on student accounts.
  • Make Online Payments via myUK.
  • Learn more about the Installment Payment Plan for fall and spring terms.
  • Students, enrolled at least half-time, are eligible to charge books onto their student account up to $750 at the UK Bookstore.

If your financial aid exceeds your charges for the term, you will be issued a refund by Student Account Services so you can pay for any other educational expenses. Enroll in direct deposit for refunds via myUK > My Info > Direct Deposit.


Confirm Housing Arrangements and Dining Plan

If you plan to live on campus, confirm and sign your Housing Contract.

If you are living on campus, you are required to have a dining plan. Select your dining plan by mid-July, or the default plan will be selected for you. Review on-campus Dining Plan Options.

Attend Big Blue Nation Orientation

At your Big Blue Nation Orientation (BBNO), you’ll meet with an academic advisor and register for your first-semester classes. You’ll also learn about UK's academics, support programs and other resources. Plus, you’ll get familiar with campus and meet lots of other new Wildcats!